
Well Known Member
A year or so ago I met Chip an owner of a beautiful RV he purchased. He also told me he owns a house in remote Maine close to a private grass strip and he would love to have an RV fly-in there. I forgot about that until recently.
You are the man Chip! Big Thank You for doing this! A great time was had at your spot and we will be back in September.

The place is called Bingham but actually it is in Moscow. We were told how the town got the name but there was not much of the story. The main story was the location is famous because of R.V. Gadabout Gaddis a Flying TV Fisherman.

It's only two normal RV flying hours but I managed to stretch it to three. If you go there you fly straight on a heading 030.

Pass Laconia NH,

you will see a rainbow to your right,

keep going till you see this dam.

And here it is - Gadabout Gaddis airport.

By the time I arrived the faster RVs were already parked.

Al,Chip and yours truly. Captain John is the camera operator.

Captain John's pitot cover.

We hopped in Chip's truck did a little shopping and went straight to his dacha.

The dacha is up on a hill with airport and river overview but to see your airplane you have to use binoculars.

It sleeps 11 and has a very nice wood interior.

Chip and his wife Kim cooked a nice dinner and Captain John was tremendous help in meat grilling. Secret stories were shared till midnight we knew it's was a secure location. :)

Next morning we took a picture of us good looking fellows and toured the town.

Visited a bear trapping joint then drove straight to local Kremlin. Here is the proof.

Next stop was local cemetery where the legend of flying fishing is resting in peace. There are RV initials here on the tomb he surely would love to have one.

Then we flew and we ate and we flew again. And we flew after that. Weather at my home location was iffy and Captain John graciously offered me his quarters to wait the weather off. Next morning he managed to hold off my departure for 5 hours and I thank you for that Sir. I don't know how you do that. When all was nice and VFR I left.

A prominent bridge.

A surfing haven.

A very Aleutian looking chain.

20 minutes more and I am home.

You are the man Chip you truly are! See you in September!
Saturday TV

I remember watching Gadabout Gaddis on TV every Saturday back in the 60's. If I remember correctly, he usually flew a C180 or 185 on Amphibs.
Great trip

That was a great trip! Looking forward to the fly in.
I'll be brushing up on my steep approach, short field landings.
Happy the grass wasn't wet! What a great spot to camp or rent a cabin,
Go white water rafting, kayaking, fishing and swimming.
Nice one guys. I sure missed out on a good one.

Doing duty with family with two week cottage rental on the east side of the bay from the milestone power plant. On our second week. Rv is resting. 44 is getting a good work out. Sitting out side on the lawn waiting for tomorrow. ;)

Hey Vlad.....thanks for the memories.....when I was a young lad I use to
watch Gadabout Gaddis all the time....could care less about the fishin just
watched for the parts with the airplane!!!!:D
I met Gaddabout Gaddis when I was a kid

I grew up in Syracuse NY and my grandfather ran a Sportsman Equipment Repair Shop. He took me to a Sportsman's show and introduced me to Gaddabout Gaddis.

I used to watch his program all the time as a kid. I told my grandfather that I wanted to go fishing with Gaddis because He CAUGHT fish fast - look at all the fish he caught in a half hour! Grandpa smiled and said he really didn't catch those that fast...hours and hours of filming ;)

My memory might be poor but I thought Gaddis flew a twin. I'm probably mis-remembering.
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I grew up in Syracuse NY and my grandfather ran a Sportsman Equipment Repair Shop. He tool me to a Sportsman's show and introduced me to Gaddabout Gaddis.

I used to watch his program all the time as a kid. I told my grandfather that I wanted to go fishing with Gaddis because He CAUGHT fish fast - look at all the fish he caught in a half hour! Grandpa smiled and said he really didn't catch those that fast...hours and hours of filming ;)

My memory might be poor but I thought Gaddis flew a twin. I'm probably mis-remembering.

Let's do a flyin next year at the same spot. You will be the most honored guest who met the Man.