
Well Known Member
Doing my final assembly of my panel. I'm finding the GAD27 wil only provide voltage to my right landing lights (three bulb LED). Its configured for both lights to fire in wigwag below 70kts. When I bypass the GAD27 the left light works. Tested the toggle to the GAD27 and power in on both lighting inputs but only LIGHT 1 works. Priority is to flash when the switch is on. Have tried all three soft states. One intersting observation, when the main is turned on I geta flash from the left LED assembly, otherwise nothing.

Everything else thru the GAD27 works. I have dimmers, flaps programmed for several steps and speed and keep alive works. Firmware is at the latest. Prior version had same results.

Any ideas?


Michael B.
Me too

I had a similar problem. I solved it by also wiring the light switch to land light 2 input. So my landing
Light switch grounds out both landing light 1 and 2 inputs. I thought i only need landing light 1 input wired, but that didnt work for me. Am not flying so cant check wig wag mode.
Already done like that

I had a similar problem. I solved it by also wiring the light switch to land light 2 input. So my landing
Light switch grounds out both landing light 1 and 2 inputs. I thought i only need landing light 1 input wired, but that didnt work for me. Am not flying so cant check wig wag mode.

Hi John. Mine are already switching both inputs and have power to both lighting power inputs.
G3Xperts suggestions???

Can the G3Xperts chime in?
Any idea's if this is an actual fault on the GAD27 or a config issue (hopefully).

I am configured for 2 landing lights so BOTH is set as per
Page 35-198 of the AP version of the Install manual. The only diff is that I have set warmup time to none.

Only right light works. Left has no voltage from the GAD27.
What am I missing?

Thanks for the help.