
Well Known Member
Does the Garmin GAD 27 have trim speed control in its logic or should I plan to get the SPD-1 Speed Control from Ray Allen (if it's even needed)?
I don't know about the GAD27 as that is before my time but I can tell you that the G3X system with servos will do trim speed control well.

Mark did you use the Ray Allen elevator trim motor? Or do you trim your elevator through the elevator autopilot GSA 28 servo?

Guess my confusion is that I assumed I'd activate autopilot only through the Garmin servo and need to operate trim tab solely through the Ray Allen servo. ?
Oh maybe you mean that the G3x will speed control the Ray Allen trim?

By the your 9. Motivation for me for sure.
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Yes it does have a variable speed control for trim. It is set up for each trim motor. The system varies the speed based on the airspeed limits and percent of speed at each airspeed limit. Reference the section, page 34-101 on the G3X Installation Manual Rev AD.

If you use the Garmin autopilot servos then it always auto trims my Ray Allen trim motors while engaged. It is nice to disengage the autopilot and the trim is set perfect for the current speed when disconnecting.
Does the Garmin GAD 27 have trim speed control in its logic or should I plan to get the SPD-1 Speed Control from Ray Allen (if it's even needed)?

Hello Ed,

When you have a G3X Touch system with a GAD 27 and autopilot servos, the GAD 27 performs the function of pilot/copilot trim switch mixing, and drives the trim inputs on the servos, but it is the servos themselves that drive the optional trim motors. You do not need a third party device to perform trim motor speed control.

Speed scheduling of the trim motor drive signals to run them slower at high airspeeds and faster at low airspeeds (e.g. in the pattern) is provided by the servos both when the autopilot is engaged and disengaged.

Let us know if you have additional questions.

Hello Ed,

When you have a G3X Touch system with a GAD 27 and autopilot servos, the GAD 27 performs the function of pilot/copilot trim switch mixing, and drives the trim inputs on the servos, but it is the servos themselves that drive the optional trim motors. You do not need a third party device to perform trim motor speed control.

Speed scheduling of the trim motor drive signals to run them slower at high airspeeds and faster at low airspeeds (e.g. in the pattern) is provided by the servos both when the autopilot is engaged and disengaged.

Let us know if you have additional questions.


Ok maybe I'm just slow :) when you say that the G3X "drives the inputs to the servo", the servo you are referring to is the Ray Allen servo... correct?

The G3X and GAD 27 control the speed logic of the signal coming in from the Ray Allen trim servo....?
Yes it does have a variable speed control for trim. It is set up for each trim motor. The system varies the speed based on the airspeed limits and percent of speed at each airspeed limit. Reference the section, page 34-101 on the G3X Installation Manual Rev AD.

If you use the Garmin autopilot servos then it always auto trims my Ray Allen trim motors while engaged. It is nice to disengage the autopilot and the trim is set perfect for the current speed when disconnecting.

Ok thx Kent and Steve that makes sense and I got it.

Very nice. I won't get the third party controller then.