
Well Known Member
Last weekend was my daughter's turn to fly with me to my growing up place somewhere between Harrisburg and Hershey in Pennsylvania. We lived there until about 1999 and she really didn't remember much since she was only 5 at the time.

It was a busy day and a half of meeting, greeting and eating with friends and family.

My RV9 performed flawlessly, as usual, turning a 12-14 hour drive into a relaxing 4 hour flight with a fuel stop at Lynchburg, VA and a lunch stop with dad/grandpa in Frederick, MD. My father lives in Bethesda and drove up to FDK to meet us.

I heard at one time that FDK was going to get a control tower. They need one. I don't particularly like flying into there with the intersecting runways and lots of pilots who seem to be totally oblivious to anyone else in the pattern or the preferred runway at the time. Throw in glider towing and it is a really busy place for an uncontrolled field.

My APRS system kept the family informed as to our whereabouts and the phone was usually ringing before I had a chance to shut down the engine.

Flight following was helpful as usual especially as the controllers let me transit the Charlotte class B on the way up. On the way back to Georgia, however, I was told to stay out of the class B. OK it will add about 15 mins. About half way around the class B: "9DB I see you are in a right turn. Are you changing your destination?"
"No sir, 9DB was told to stay clear of the class B but could turn on course if you would like."
"9DB cleared to continue on original course."
" 9DB turning to original course heading, thank you very much." :)

Another successful RV trip for the books!




Uhh, Daddy, I'm gonna need a little help with this.
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Yeah Kirk, I thought about it but we were only there less than 2 days and there just wasn't time. I do plan to come up once a year in order to help my mom out with major home and yard jobs and will stay longer in the future. We'll definately get together next year if not before.
Yeah Kirk, I thought about it but we were only there less than 2 days and there just wasn't time. I do plan to come up once a year in order to help my mom out with major home and yard jobs and will stay longer in the future. We'll definately get together next year if not before.

Hey sounds good Bruce:) just wanted to make sure you knew the offer was a standing one;-)
Nice write-up

Great write up... thanks for sharing. As someone who is just starting out, it gives me hope that one day I can go places too in an airplane I built by hand. :D