
Well Known Member
Last Friday my son, Bruce, and I embarked on our 4th annual flight north to Harrisburg, PA where I grew up and where he was born 14.5 years ago. It is a nice flight this time of year because of the cooler weather in PA and because it is still so freakin' hot in Georgia! It is also a good opportunity to visit family and friends and to eat some of the fine food I grew up on which is just not available where we live now.


The flight is about 580 nm. Too far to drive and not far enough for commercial flight - perfect for our RV9. :) The entire flight takes about four hours and I could make it without a fuel stop but we stop anyway to visit my father who met us at Frederick, MD for lunch.


The flight from FDK to Harrisburg International (MDT) is a short hop of about twenty minutes. I like flying into MDT because it is along the banks of the Susquehanna river and your base turn is almost on top of Three Mile Island. For those of you too young to remember, the nuclear power plant there almost melted down in a Chernobyl type accident in 1979. :eek:





Anyway, a couple days of seeing friends and family is enough for us and we flew back to GA on Monday.

The virtues of flying cross country in your RV are well known. 150 nmph cruise, 7gph, 20 nmpg - I am still amazed by those numbers every time I take a long trip.

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What does "FLIEGVERGNUGEN" mean and provide a pronunciation if you will?


David Watson
I actually spelled it wrong - should be FLUGVERGNUGEN - flying enjoyment in German. Remember the old VW ads - Fahrvergnugen - driving enjoyment? Flugvergnugen is pronounced as it is spelled except the "u" is like "oo" and the "v" is like an "f".
Why did I include that word in my post? No reason at all...but I did just verify its use and spelling with the German lady who cuts my hair!