
Active Member
Afternoon chaps,

So we will be taking the kids to Oshkosh this summer, bags packed plan was to show the kids NYC before flying onto O Hare collecting the RV and then driving upto Oshkosh arriving on the first Friday in the style of beverly hillbillies no doubt , beer, hotdog and rv chat .

I mentioned to the wife today what if we could rent a 172 in the new york area and cross country over instead as i have my U.S PPL . Her eyes rolled as she knows me and my ideas ! As my knowledge of the NY area is limited to ale houses in Greenwich Village can anyone recommend a GA friendly field that could do my BFR and rental ideally located so thenwife could window shop in the city whilst dad does the hard work in the circuit ,

Many thanks
James, Prestwick
James I would suggest Solberg Aviation out of New Jersey. A bit of a drive from Big Apple but very friendly community. Give them a call you won’t regret.

the closest airport is linden KLDJ. I have never needed to go there but I would check it out do to its close location. ;)