
I have the G900X and Digiflight II. I am realizing now that the G900x does not output track to the Digiflight AP so I cannot use the G900X heading bug to steer. THis seems like the most basic of functionality, has anyone else realized this late or have a work around?

To really take advantage of the G900X, you should get a sorcerer. The issue here is that indeed theG900X does output the information from the heading but, but not in ARINC 429 format directly from that knob. The sorcerer can be hooked direct to that knob, but not the DIIVSGV. That being said, you can use the RS-232 info from the G900X to the DII or the ARINC info, you just need to use either the FPL, PROC, or D> keys on the 900X to activate some sort of GPS signal to your A/P. Alternately and quite simply, you can just steer the airplane around the sky with the knob on the A/P itself!

FYI, the prices on the Sorcerer have come down quite a bit so my suggestion is to just get that controller and you'll be able to do every sort of approach known to man, along with all the other analog stuff like the heading bug, altitude preselect, yaw damp, etc..

My 2 cents as usual!

Hey Stein,

That seems very odd since both the 430/530 and 480 output correct ARINC.

Does the G1000 have that limitation, too, or did they purposely "nerf" the 900?
Hey Stein,

That seems very odd since both the 430/530 and 480 output correct ARINC.

Does the G1000 have that limitation, too, or did they purposely "nerf" the 900?

Nope, the GIA-63(W) boxes in the G900X output the same ARINC's as the GNS's do - although the 480 is an ever so slightly different monster.

What is being referred to here is the "heading bug" output which is a direct analog hook to the heading bug knob on the G900X which of course none of the GNS boxes have (it's a dedicated lef side knob on the G900X/G1000 which is always functioning as a heading knob that moves and sync's the heading bug - and when coupled to the sorcerer will allow you to directly steer the A/P around the sky via the heading bug/knob). Same with other A/P's that will accept that analog signal - which the DII will not. Hope that helps clear things up a bit.....

So, is Garmin gonna "address" this or asking them to do it is more like trying to move a mountain? (in light of the fact that both GRT and AFS have this capability already ....) :) How's "competitiveness" over there? do they even care?
Wonder who has a competitive box to the G900x that does this? Just an interface requirement....requires you to buy the same autopilot you would need to do Nav/Loc/ILS approaches with other nav/coms.

Seriously, I wonder what competes with the G900X ?
It appears the GX Pilot does for the G3X, takes GPS heading commands from the Heading bug, that I'm looking for with the G900. Is this something a change from the Digiflight to GX Pilot may resolve?
It appears the GX Pilot does for the G3X, takes GPS heading commands from the Heading bug, that I'm looking for with the G900. Is this something a change from the Digiflight to GX Pilot may resolve?

I don't believe so. Because the boxes for the G900X are certified boxes, the output from the heading bug is a different signal (as required by the certificated A/P's), so changing to the GX pilot would do little good. The GX pilot was really tweaked especially for interface to that box and it's a very good interface!

I just ordered a Sorcerer AP from TruTrak to resolve my issue. It's the only autopilot that will accept heading commands from the G900X Heading Bug. TruTrak is great and will accept my Digiflight on trade.

Garmin's marketing material indicates the G900 will integrate with any of five autopilots listed. This is not exactly true, and I think Garmin should make it clear that of the five autopiots listed only one will be fully functional.

Thanks for the feedback on this....