
Active Member
New version : 6.70


Changes made from version 6.60 to 6.70:
Added additional autopilot configuration options
General improvements to system operation
Includes update to GSA 28 software version 4.70
Includes GMC 507 software version 2.90
Includes GAD 29 software version 3.20
Includes GMU 11 software version 2.00
Includes GAD 13 software version 2.00
Changes made from version 6.40 to 6.60:
Added additional autopilot configuration options
Improved GMC 507 calibration procedure
Improved navigation source selection from G5 #2
Improved density altitude display
Improved NMEA GPRMC sentence output
General improvements to system operation
Includes update to GSA 28 software version 4.60
Includes GMC 507 software version 2.90
Includes GAD 29 software version 3.20
Includes GMU 11 software version 2.00
Includes GAD 13 software version 2.00
Last edited:
How do I find the most recent s/w for the other Garmin equipment in my certified aircraft, and for the experimentals as well?
G5 Software

New version : 6.70


Changes made from version 6.60 to 6.70:
Added additional autopilot configuration options
General improvements to system operation
Includes update to GSA 28 software version 4.70
Includes GMC 507 software version 2.90
Includes GAD 29 software version 3.20
Includes GMU 11 software version 2.00
Includes GAD 13 software version 2.00
Changes made from version 6.40 to 6.60:
Added additional autopilot configuration options
Improved GMC 507 calibration procedure
Improved navigation source selection from G5 #2
Improved density altitude display
Improved NMEA GPRMC sentence output
General improvements to system operation
Includes update to GSA 28 software version 4.60
Includes GMC 507 software version 2.90
Includes GAD 29 software version 3.20
Includes GMU 11 software version 2.00
Includes GAD 13 software version 2.00

This is software for certified G5 and GFC 500 installations. It is not recommended that this software be loaded in experimental aircraft. We will have a corresponding experimental update available soon, and will make an announcement on Vans Air Force when it is available.


Yes it's write on the Title.

But in past I never see a difference between firwmare for certifed and expérimental, and we have a choice in setup to setup for certified or experimental.

Can you explane difference if they have one.

G5 Software

Yes it's write on the Title.

But in past I never see a difference between firwmare for certifed and exp?rimental, and we have a choice in setup to setup for certified or experimental.

Can you explane difference if they have one.



The difference lies in which page you download it from, either the Certified G5 Software Page or the Experimental G5 Software Page.

Load certified software into a certified installation, and experimental software into an experimental installation. Any deviation from this could cause unintended consequences depending on what other equipment the G5 is interfaced to.


Really what I was asking is there a place on the Garmin website where I can look and see what the latest versions of the s/w for the various Garmin boxes I have in my aircraft. I own both Certified and Experimental aircraft. Both are "loaded" with Garmin equipment.