
Well Known Member
Dagnabbit! I got caught up in a car repair and forgot to call the help line before the weekend, since my follow up email has gone unanswered. Maybe someone here can help.

A second “experimental” G5 was purchased from Aircraft Spruce and installed as a dedicated HSI in an RV9a. As part of the installation, I upgraded the existing G5 to experimental software 6.76. But it appears the new G5 has certified software 6.82 installed. When I insert the micro sd card, the new G5 will not “downgrade” to the experimental software. So now I have a mismatch, with associated warnings.

The advice from an email to g3xpert was as follows:

Please use the following steps to load 6.76 software.

G5 Alternate SW Update Method (Force Load):

PWR up G5 in < Configuration Mode >

Selcet < Device Information >

Scroll Down & Select < SFD (#) >

Scroll Down To < Software Version >

Select < Update >

SW Update Window Appears

Select < OK >

But, I can not get to the final < Update > option:

Obviously they shipped you a certified unit instead of experimental - which means it's worth considerably more money, in theory. Sell it for a profit and buy another G5. :D
G5 Update

Dagnabbit! I got caught up in a car repair and forgot to call the help line before the weekend, since my follow up email has gone unanswered. Maybe someone here can help.

A second “experimental” G5 was purchased from Aircraft Spruce and installed as a dedicated HSI in an RV9a. As part of the installation, I upgraded the existing G5 to experimental software 6.76. But it appears the new G5 has certified software 6.82 installed. When I insert the micro sd card, the new G5 will not “downgrade” to the experimental software. So now I have a mismatch, with associated warnings.

The advice from an email to g3xpert was as follows:

Please use the following steps to load 6.76 software.

G5 Alternate SW Update Method (Force Load):

PWR up G5 in < Configuration Mode >

Selcet < Device Information >

Scroll Down & Select < SFD (#) >

Scroll Down To < Software Version >

Select < Update >

SW Update Window Appears

Select < OK >

But, I can not get to the final < Update > option:


Hello Mike,

It does not appear that the G5 is recognizing the software on the card. What size card are you using?


Hello Mike,

It does not appear that the G5 is recognizing the software on the card. What size card are you using?




Same card and update file worked successfully on the older unit.


Garmin death spiral, look out below! :rolleyes:
One problem solved

For no particular reason I decided to do a long format of the 16gb sd card and load the update software one more time. That worked. The new G5 saw the update on its own, and now all software conflicts are gone.

The AFCS PREFLIGHT FAIL is still present, though, so off to research that.

For no particular reason I decided to do a long format of the 16gb sd card and load the update software one more time. That worked. The new G5 saw the update on its own, and now all software conflicts are gone.

The AFCS PREFLIGHT FAIL is still present, though, so off to research that.

This is often caused by a problem with the AP DISC wiring. In configuration mode, take a look at each servo in the Device Information menu. They individually report the status of the AP DISC input pin, and they should read Open/High when the AP DISC switch is not being pressed.

You may also want to double check and make sure the System Type is not set to Certified.

