
Well Known Member
Ok... so I braved the cold and snow today in Nj as I was itching to get my g5 installed.

My G5 is currently going to be a standalone unit.

After installing all plumbing I hooked up the unit to power and grounded it. Turned on the master and turned the g5 on..... no joy, the unit said low battery as it was running on my backup battery.

I double checked my wiring and the software version. And now I?m scratching. My head.

Anyone have this problem? Anyone have an idea as to what the issue would be?

One or two G5's? Each has the option for its own back-up battery. As received from Garmin, my units had just enough charge to power up and indicate "low battery". I charged each for 24 hours, installed in the aircraft, and no issues at all.
How do you charge if the battery is attached to the unit? Does the unit have a lighting bolt to show that it?s charging?
The only way I know to charge up the battery is to attach the battery to the G5 and then apply 12volts to the power input pins of the G5's 9-pin connector.

I made a power cable with a 9-pin connector that I used with a small 12volt power supply so I could fully charge the battery before I installed the unit(s) in the aircraft. While powered in this fashion I also performed a lot of the calibration functions and got familiar with the configuration pages.
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Is power from the avionics bus? Is it switched on? Garmin wants a 5amp fuse/CB in the power line. Is it active? Pull the G5 9pin connector and verify power is at the connector.
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Hello dMat,

Just unplug the G5 battery, and power up the G5 without the battery to verify that aircraft power/ground is properly applied to the pins 7/9 of the rear connector.

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Hi Steve,

Thanks for the heads up. I looked at the battery setup in the manual and I?m wondering if the default battery setting is to show the battery % at all times vs only showing battery life when there is no plane power.

I will pull the battery and see if powers up.

Ended up being the terminal on the bus wasn't producing power... Oh the simple things you don't think of.

Onto the calibration part of the install. :D