
Well Known Member
Just finished installing a GMU-11, and the G5 doesn't appear to "see" it. I've checked power and ground, both good. Confirmed Can bus Low and High are not swapped. Nothing else on the Can bus esides these 2 units. Terminator is installed on both ends. So now I'm just scratching my head. G5 has been installed for a while with no problems. Any ideas? Maybe a software update on the G5? Bad GMU-11 unit?
Just finished installing a GMU-11, and the G5 doesn't appear to "see" it. I've checked power and ground, both good. Confirmed Can bus Low and High are not swapped. Nothing else on the Can bus esides these 2 units. Terminator is installed on both ends. So now I'm just scratching my head. G5 has been installed for a while with no problems. Any ideas? Maybe a software update on the G5? Bad GMU-11 unit?
Hello Barrett,

Some things to check:
  • Install V6.10 on the G5 if it is not already using this software.
  • Power up both units, enter config mode on the G5 and see if the GMU 11 is in the Device Information list.
  • With both units powred off, at each end, unplug the cable with the CAN terminator still on it and verify that you measure 60 ohms across pins 1,2. Remove the CAN terminator on that end and verify that you measure 120 ohms across pins 1,2
  • Measure across CAN Hi to ground at one end and verify not shorted to ground. Do the same for CAN Lo.
  • Make sure GMU 11 power is on pin 7 and ground is on pin 9 as measured from the CAN terminator end that plugs into the GMU 11.
  • Make sure that GMU 11 pins 3 and 6 are not jumpered together (identifies GMU 11 #2)
Contact us by phone or email shown below if we can help further.

Wow, thanks for the quick reply, Steve! I was planning on calling G3X support tomorrow morning. I figured, "what company offers technical support on Sunday evenings?" Well, guess I found my answer!

Anyways, poking around trying to figure out how to update the G5 software, and came across this little nugget...

Changes made from version 2.70 to 3.00:
Added support for GMU11 magnetometer

I remember in the device config menu seeing version 2.something, and seeing as GMU-11 support started with v3.00, I think that confirms my initial thought.

Thanks again for the support! Will report back.
[*] Install V6.10 on the G5 if it is not already using this software.

I remember in the device config menu seeing version 2.something, and seeing as GMU-11 support started with v3.00, I think that confirms my initial thought.

Bingo! Software was v2.7. Fwiw, I had a little difficulty getting the new software loaded. First time, I loaded the microSD card, but no joy. I came to realize that I didn't fully RTFM. The card was formatted as exFAT instead of FAT32. So I grab another card, format that one FAT32, and try again. Still no luck. Well it turns out, that card had a separate partition that was NTFS. So I deleted all partitions, formatted the card FAT32, and the G5 updated itself in about 20-30 seconds. Rebooted the G5 in config mode, and lo and behold, Magnetometer! Didn't have time to run all the interference tests and calibrate it, but I ran through a couple of quick interference items, and all seemed well. I'll get back out tomorrow and finish that up.