
Well Known Member
I just purchased a G3X will have dual screens linked to a Garmin 480 I'm wondering which autopilot to buy Garmin, Trio or Trutrak. Trutrak has offered a great deal with trade in of my existing system but could sell and come out very close buying the Trio system. Not sure of the Garmin system haven't heard much on their performance.
I can offer up a PIREP from the g3x autopilot and my thinking. I currently have it in my glasair and it will be going in my -10 if nothing changes over the next few years of riveting. An opening caveat, I've not flown behind either of your other choices.

Performance has been flawless in an airplane that is not forgiving to autopilots, and integration is great. I still haven't had it do anything to surprise me, and it does a great job of flying the plane in all modes. I don't have the separate control panel (305), and I don't miss it though airspeed hold would be nice to have.

There is a school of thought that the autopilot should be fully independent as a backup way of keeping green down and blue up if all else fails and the window only shows white. In my mind a fully integrated system is less likely to surprise me than one working through an interface. Pick your poison.
G3X & GXPilot

I've a little over 100 hrs on my G3X with Trutrak's GXPilot and GTN650. The best way I can describe it is Amazing! Climbs, descents, approaches, missed approaches, holds. I'm very pleased with mine.

I have the Trio pro pilot and I love it. I am sure the Garmin works great like others are saying. If I was starting from scratch I would have the G3X and use it's auto pilot. Then you only have to buy the servos and you would save about 1500.00. If you decide you want the separate auto pilot controller, then the price would be close to the same.

If you are just VFR and the screen goes out in the G3X it's no big deal.
I am not sure I understand your question.
If you have the new G3x with the integrated AP you would not want a separate AP. The Garmin integrated AP used with the GSA28 servos is probably the best AP setup out there. You will want the GMS305 as it makes the control so much nicer. Not to mention a Flight Director.
If you have the older G3x without the integrated AP then yes you need an AP and since I am only familiar with the integrated one I will not comment on the others.
I have flown behind all three plus the Dynon integrated AP.

As far as performance, the G3X integrated AP is as good as or better than any out there (they all have their unique stand out features). When it comes to integration with the G3X, it wins hands down.

It is one of the few in the group that will actually fly a standard rate turn.

The servos in the Garmin system are unique to the experimental AP's on the market today. They use brushless servo motors instead of the traditional stepper motors that most everyone else besides Trio uses. This technology provides very high performance vs weight.

You do lose the bit of redundancy that an independent AP can give but there are many frames of thought on that and other ways to make this a non issue. Garmin also built in a bit of reversionary capability into the system in that it can still operate with limited modes (if you have the GMC 305) even if all of the G3X screens die.

The bottom line is that the G3X system with the integrated autopilot is so good that you will have to make yourself hand fly the airplane occasionally in order to stay current....
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If you have the older G3x without the integrated AP then yes you need an AP and since I am only familiar with the integrated one I will not comment on the others.

Just to clarify, the GSA28 servos and the optional GMC305 can be added to any G3X system to upgrade it to the integrated autopilot functionality. All it takes is a firmware update and a proper installation and you are good to go.
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Hey Brian I did not know that.
So it requires a return for a firmware update or just a new version software?
Can't beat that , awfully glad I went Garmin.
Hey Brian I did not know that.
So it requires a return for a firmware update or just a new version software?
Can't beat that , awfully glad I went Garmin.

The end user can update the firmware on the G3X systems. Works like a charm!