Larry DeCamp

Well Known Member
Garmin docs show all Kavilco sensors ( OP / FP/ MP etc )wired with shielded. The sensors have plain wire leads. Is Shielded really required? Your experience would be helpful.
IMHO, No. They are transducers and not noisy by nature. They use a simple variable, non-pulsed, voltage output that is not extremely low current, so should be relatively impervious to noise. I have 3 of them on the 6 and none have shielded wire; No issues in 800 hours. Didn't use it on the 10 either and no noise or issues in 250 houirs.

Garmin seems to spec shielded cable EVERYWHERE and I do not believe all of it is necessary, just them being conservative.

Just one man's opinion and Garmin may know something I don't.

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