
Well Known Member
Until recently when accessing the destination airport on the WPT page there was weather information available and even the runway button would give wind information for each runway. Now this information never displays.

Have I made an inadvertent change that I need to revert?
More Info:

Until recently I could scroll to the WPT page on my G3X Touch and find the current weather for the destination airport. It would also, on the runways tab, give headwind/crosswind component for each runway. Now I just get a message that the weather data isn't available.

The only recent change I have made is I added a GPS175 to the system.

I suspect the issue is rooted in the fact that the G3X now gets it's GPS data from the external (GPS175) antenna. I do still have the internal antenna installed and connected, though.

Is there a setting/configuration I can change to allow the G3X to display WPT weather and data information once again?
It sounds like you might have a more general weather data problem, either a communication/configuration issue between your display and your weather data receiver, or a reception problem.
It sounds like you might have a more general weather data problem, either a communication/configuration issue between your display and your weather data receiver, or a reception problem.

You are on the right track as I forgot to mention that when I scroll to the Wx page it no longer displays weather on the map.