
Active Member
Yesterday while climbing out I noticed that the VSI showed an actual rate (in a box next to the tape), however it then went away. Is there anyway to have this show in a number form all the time? It seems much easier to read than trying to figure out where the purple bar is at.
Yesterday while climbing out I noticed that the VSI showed an actual rate (in a box next to the tape), however it then went away. Is there anyway to have this show in a number form all the time? It seems much easier to read than trying to figure out where the purple bar is at.

This will depend a bit on what display you have and how the display is laid out. When a 10" display is in full screen on the primary flight window, the digital readout will be present on the VSI, but when you go into split screen, or on the 7" displays, you will only have the pointer.

We did add a VSI data field which can be added to your CNI bar to give a permanent readout of your current vertical speed. This data field even provides a bit higher resolution of the current vertical speed, with 10FPM increments compared to the 50FPM of the primary flight window's readout.

- Johnny
Thank you for the info. Is there another mode in which this occurs too? Yesterday when I departed the field I had the screen (10") in split mode; however, I did see the numbers appears. I'm wondering if they show say up to 1000' AGL?
It shows the pointer against the scale all the time, but only shows the numeric rate next to the pointer if you're significantly climbing or descending. Once you level off it declutters.

- mark