
Well Known Member
Just updated to the new software and it's showing traffic failed off of the gdl39. It still has the green check mark next to the 232 showing good communication. There were other aircraft in the area with adsb flying, though I never took off to try it airborne. Anyone else seeing issues?
I installed it last week, flew a 3+ hour cross country on Friday and had no issues. Traffic worked fine for me (GDL52R in my setup).
Maybe your GDL39 was updating? This sometimes seems to take forever and the GDL39 needs to have a GPS lock (at least mine seems to) before it will update completely.

What version did you update from? The last few minor revs have the same GDL39 firmware as 7.00.
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Traffic works fine via GDL39 (and, yeah, there are several LRU updates included with 7.0 which take a while to install).

But, one thing that I don't care for is that multiple flights in one day are now lumped together as a single "local" round trip and do not show the individual legs/destinations. I flew from TOA to SZP, landed, fueled and back to TOA and the log just shows TOA-local (or something like that) with the time from both legs added together.

Another thing I noticed: I re-enabled airspace warnings and as I was flying towards SMO from Malibu, got continuous Class B warnings which I couldn't acknowledge/silence for several minutes. Once I got to the Santa Monica pier, all was well again.

I thought about it updating but shouldn?t it show such instead of just a red x? The last version I updated from was 6.20 released in September.
Following the update, during the first 40 minutes of the first flight there was a autopilot issue. I think that the GMC507 didn't receive and load the update from the GDU460.
Then everything worked again.

G3X Touch software V6.20 had GDL 39 software V4.81, which is the latest software version. I do not believe that it should have been updating if you already had V6.20 software. As others have mentioned, the GDL 39 software load over the RS-232 connection is slow compared to the other units on the CAN bus.

We are not aware of any other customers with this issue. I would recommend verifying to ensure that you have software version 4.81 on the GDL 39. Then make sure you have a GPS fix as the traffic map needs to know where you are for traffic to work.

You can always contact us directly at the email address below if you would like us to assist you in further troubleshooting the issue.

Levi Self
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In recent G3X software releases, we have had lots of remote units with updated software. As such, it takes more time to push all of these remote software versions. We recommend holding down the menu key as the PFD reboots after loading software to boot the system in configuration mode. Then you can monitor the software loading to each device. You should not start the engine or takeoff before all software updates are complete.

To help with this, in 7.00 we made a change to add a message telling the pilot that software is being loaded. This is in addition to showing a Red X on the items being uploaded. The message text is: "Software update in progress - Do not remove power"

Levi Self
The red x I?m seeing is in the mx menu when checking all of the other units. Everything else updated. For the gdl 39 it just shows it at the very bottom of the selections with a red x and no info. once I reboot and in the main menu select data links, I will typically see it show up but the only thing showing now is the gtn625.

Levi, unfortunately I?m leaving the country tomorrow but will try to get out there first thing in the morning to verify and give you a call. My wife will be flying it while I?m gone and the traffic is a lifesaver in our area. I?ll give you a call as soon as I?m able tomorrow morning.
I had trouble with the 7.0 upgrade too.

Prior to the upgrade, no anomalies were found and the system was working 100%.

During the 7.0 upgrade, all the G3X LRUs updated just fine.

The G3X 7.0 update included:
  • update to G5 software version 6.00
  • update to G5 boot block software version 2.20
However, the G5 did not update, despite power being applied for nearly 30 minutes. It hung up on a boot screen and said "update failed."

Eventually, I was able to install the G5 software to G5 software 6.0 (G3X software 7.0 package) using a standalone micro-SD card with the G3X system power off.

Yesterday I noticed a ADAHRS fail and G5 top ribbon missing labels. Before I could snap a photo it "righted itself". This was on the ground engine off stationary. I've never experienced that prior to the updates.

Long story short, I love the updates that Garmin provides, but I think this latest one is exhibiting a few bugs so I would hold off updating unless you "need to."
I wasn't able to make it to the plane today. Will update once my wife is able to fly and report back with any changes.
G3x touch after update 7.0 not receiving data on arinc 429 channel 1

Help anybody have issues with there ARINC 429 not working after updating to 7.0. If so how did you fix thanks for any help