
Well Known Member
So I've begun initial planning to upgrade my panel from my current 2-screen legacy G3X to a 2-screen G3X touch (one 10" and one portrait 7"). I have a PSE audio panel, SL30, GTN650, TruTrak GX Pilot A/P, and a TruTrak Gemini backup PFD and aren't planning to replace any of those except the Gemini which I might replace with a G5.

I have a stock Van's instrument panel and plan to stick with that (albeit a new one) as I plan to retain my radios and their location is pretty much locked due to the necessary cutouts in the sub-panel.

So not being super smart on things G3X touch, can I retain any of the old G3X components (AHRS, magnetometer, OAT sensor, etc) for the upgrade? The magnetometer is the one item I'm most interested in knowing if I can keep as replacing it, while doable, will be a royal pain.
You can retain all your G3X components, the touch is plug-n-play with the non touch electrically.
You can retain all your G3X components, the touch is plug-n-play with the non touch electrically.

Thanks Walt! Now for a more subjective question -- is there any benefit to replacing my GSU 73 with a GSU 25? I suppose if I did I'd also have to get a GAD 29 and a GEA 24 as well?
Thanks Walt! Now for a more subjective question -- is there any benefit to replacing my GSU 73 with a GSU 25? I suppose if I did I'd also have to get a GAD 29 and a GEA 24 as well?

The 73 is large, cumbersome, hard to find a suitable mounting place for, has no AOA, uses HD pins and overall is difficult to access and work on. If it was me I would switch over to the much newer separates and never look back.