
I'm New Here
Hello all G3X experts,

I recently installed the latest software update on my G3X (non touch).
After the software installation I booted the system to the CONFIG PAGES to double check some parameters.

For some reason on the Comm Port Config Page I messed with whatever was set before and now I don’t get any traffic information whatsoever.

Do you guys know what should be set on those RS - 232 Comms in order to get traffic info??

Many thanks!!



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It will probably be hard for anyone to provide any useful information without knowing more about your system.

At a minimum, we need to know what system device is supposed to be connected to the system and providing traffic data. Knowing the other devices and how they are connected would support further recommendations on configuration.

Your pictures are showing RS-232 ports configured for GTX TIS-A In, but that would be very unusual for a G3X system since any TIS-A capable Mode S transponder would normally only be connected via RS-232 to the GSU 73. Furthermore, most of us have long since stopped using TIS-A, but we don't know if you live in the U.S. or not.


I did my update at PacificCoastAvionics while getting my IFR recertification for xpnder/pitot static. They said when you move the plane and get a good satellite signal for your GPS it will clear and that’s exactly what happened.