
Well Known Member
Is there a way to display the VFR charts (labeled CHT) in a track up configuration? I see how to flip the map mode between north up and track up, but I wanted to display the VFR sectional chart “track up”. (Also how do you display IFR charts the same way?)

Only the Garmin charts are capable of being viewed track up. They have both VFR and IFR viewable via a menu choice.
I think the reason is that the sectional charts have the text fixed to the background. If Track Up was implemented with those charts, all of the text would be at an angle corresponding to the track.

Think of the VFR charts as being a faithful rendition of the paper chart -- which lose readability if they're not north up.
This is one of a few reasons I leave room for an ipad on the panel. I use FF in the No up mode. This gives me better situational awareness (G3X is trk up) and a std sectional view. I also find it easier and faster to grab freq's from FF as well as approach plates. I just use the free version for the G3X, so don't have sectionals available there anyways.

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I think the reason is that the sectional charts have the text fixed to the background. If Track Up was implemented with those charts, all of the text would be at an angle corresponding to the track.

Think of the VFR charts as being a faithful rendition of the paper chart -- which lose readability if they're not north up.

That’s too bad.. I hate north up! Ne would think if Foreflight could allow VFR charts to switch between track up and north up, then Garmin could also.. This is a feature that Dynon and MGL have also that beats Garmin.. And I really like Garmin, but this one bothers me. Thanks all!
That’s too bad.. I hate north up! Ne would think if Foreflight could allow VFR charts to switch between track up and north up, then Garmin could also.. This is a feature that Dynon and MGL have also that beats Garmin.. And I really like Garmin, but this one bothers me. Thanks all!

I agree that it would be a nice feature, but as far as I know, all the Garmin systems are what they are. The G-1000 I the same way. There's no way to have any of the non-gamin charts orient any way other than north up.
Garmin does have their "maps" which can be very usable VFR. Very loosely, they're like sectional charts but without the terrain background. Then can be track up, and I tend to use them more than the sectional charts.