
Well Known Member
I have a couple of issues with entering the weight and balance arms into the G3X. In my aircraft (a Velocity), the fuel moment arm changes significantly with quantity due to the swept strake (about 6 inches). The G3X only seems to accommodate a single arm. I could put in the worst case arm (which would be aft most for my aircraft). Alternatively, I was thinking I could put buttons for several fuel quantities and just select the one that was closest. Anyone have a similar issue and figure a better way, or am I missing something?

Suggestion for improvement:
I was really surprised when the fuel quantity had to be entered manually. The system knows the quantities, why isn't it just pulling those values off the CAN bus? More over, as a pre-flight tool, I would expect it to show me the range of CG from my current fuel quantity to zero fuel to make sure I didn't migrate out of the envelope during the flight. At least adding empty and full fuel moment arms to interpolate would be an appropriate and simple change. MTCW.

Velocity SEFG
What if you enter a nose high climb and the speed gets slow... you better use the worst case scenario, do not become another statistic!

Interesting point, but I'm not sure how to account for something like that... you would have to weigh the plane in a nose high attitude so that the fuel was at the back of the tank.