
Well Known Member
I can see the end of my Garmin upgrade and I did opt for a caution and warning light in my set up. I just wanted it for redundancy and I think it’s cool. I understand it’s not necessary with G3X.

Would you be willing to share with me what you have set up for a “caution” and a “warning” parameters. What throws the light on if you will.

Yes, I have used the search function but most threads degrade into a you don’t need the lights….

With gratitude, Sean
This is personal preference, and since it’s so easy to change, your settings are likely to evolve.

I have “Red” alarm for low fuel, very low oil pressure, very high oil temp, very high CHTs. I used “Yellow” warning for oil temp, CHTs - things where you can take some action before getting to “Red”. For voltage, it will depend where you are measuring (alternator or battery, or both).

Garmin gives you a lot of flexibility - you can have “yellow” message alert with or without the CAS light, same for “red” so you can actually have progressive warnings to your taste.
+1 on the easily configurability. The ones found most useful are the CHT and Oil Temp warnings - both red and yellow. On hard climbs on hot days -- and during engine break-in -- its nice to get a very obvious yellow light in your face (never triggered a red yet) to do a priority assessment of what's going on. All my red limits have a coordinated yellow limits as an early heads up ... and to take early action.