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Hi Guys

Can some of you with experience on both systems give your inputs on the main differences between the 2 systems apart from the touch screen on g3x and fully integrated g900x. Planning on ifr panel for my 10 and not sure which one would suit me better. Does g900x come with autopilot system and isn't it "outdated " compared to newer g3x touch.

Your comments much appreciated
I flew behind a G1000 for my Instrument rating - The GX900 is the uncertified version of the G1000. I have a legacy 2-screen G3X in my own aircraft, so while not exactly the same as a touch, feature wise it's close.

The big difference is price - the 900 will most likely be twice as expensive, if not more than a comparable 2-screen G3X touch.

The 900 comes with everything but an autopilot (Dual COM/NAVs, IFR GPSs, Audio panel, and Transponder).

The G3X Touch, has the integrated Auto pilot, but everything else is a la carte. So you have to buy the rest of the avionics, but you're not restricted to the brand or how many of a given item (IFR GPS for example) you purchase.

IMO, flying the systems will be similar enough to be a wash. Some chores will take a few more button pushes on the G3X due to the 900's greater integration, but having flown both the G1000 and G3X in IMC, in reality that's a minor thing.

Thanks Tod. So typically what autopilot system would compliment the 900x well. I like the system in the g3x touch with esp-x and gsa 28 smart servos and AOA....
Thanks Tod. So typically what autopilot system would compliment the 900x well. I like the system in the g3x touch with esp-x and gsa 28 smart servos and AOA....

I would think almost any autopilot would work. I personally flew with a Garmin GFC 700 and a Bendix/King/Honeywell KAP 140. The GFC 700 was the better of the 2 by far.

Having said that, I agree with Brian --go with the G3X Touch unless someone is giving the 900 away. You will not regret it and your wallet will thank you.
G900x feels like an old flip phone and g3x like a new iPhone

Ditch the g900x idea

While I haven't flown the G3X touch yet, I have seen it, and have flown the G3X non-touch. I have a fair bit of time on both the G1000 and the G900X. I don't think there's a comparison, personally. G3X hands down. With the G900X your left screen is ALWAYS PFD. You can't put the map on that screen except in a little 1.5" square in the corner. The price is also outrageous compared to the G3X. As bkthomps said, ditch the idea of the G900X. You'd be better off installing a G3X and tying $30,000 cash to a brick and dumping it into the ocean (and sending me to GPS coordinates, of course).

I'm kind of surprised G900X is still a thing. It is counter to all the reasons we live in the experimental world. It's (relatively) dated, it's expensive, and the same company has a newer, cheaper, more capable and customizable system out. It's like the worst of both worlds. If something broke, I think it would be cheaper and easier to replace with the G3X. I would be interested to hear Garmin's folks comment on a reliability comparison between the two. i haven't seen too many reliability issues with the touch, but it's still young.

I remember a guy at Oshkosh that had the g900 in his RV-7. He said he had 80 grand in the panel. I told him that was more than Paid for my RV-7A. He just looked at me. I bet he wishes the G3X was available back then.
If you do decide to go with a G900X, it is often paired with the Trutrak Sorcerer autopilot which will give a decent amount of integration. Approach coupling, heading bug, baro and selected altitude coupling. Our Sorcerer is also on sale throughout the rest of this year. :)

Even if you go with the G3X Touch, the any of our two axis autopilots will fully integrate with it. Let me know if I can answer any questions. Thanks!
I believe the only aircraft Garmin still supports with the G900 is the Lancair Evolution (part of this is the fact that the G900 integrates with the turbine and environmental system better than G3x does - that is a pressurized a/c). As for the GFC 700 - excellent piece of equipment. Down side is that it is a certified piece and has been tested and certified for the Evolution so getting your hands on one is rather tough. The killer though, is that Lancair sells the GFC700 for around $75k! That is one very expensive autopilot!

I have had both systems, and can say that if pressurization/ turbine integration are not important, definitely use the G3x. The G900 is a legacy system and when/if Lancair changes to touch screen, it will spell the end of the G900.

You won't be disappointed. Just upgraded the -4 and flew it for an hour last week (Single 10' touch, gdl30, gps20a, gtx23es, gmc307) and loved it. It's even fun to play with in the hangar.
One limitation I've discovered in my GTN650/G3X Touch combo so far that's frustrating: no ability to included altitudes in a flight plan. So in an Arrival procedure with several altitude step-downs, these all have to be entered real-time, which can be high workload when approaching at 250kts.
One limitation I've discovered in my GTN650/G3X Touch combo so far that's frustrating: no ability to included altitudes in a flight plan. So in an Arrival procedure with several altitude step-downs, these all have to be entered real-time, which can be high workload when approaching at 250kts.

Are you talking user defined VNAV for a given waypoint in the 650's flight plan setup with VCALC vs. a loaded and activated STAR?
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