
Well Known Member
My 6A with a GMC307 and GSA28 servos will give me on screen indications of "Trim Up" or "Trim Down". (I have manual elevator and aileron trim). The system does not give me "Trim Left or Trim Right" indications.

Is this normal for the G3X touch system, or am I missing something?
G3X Trim Indications

My 6A with a GMC307 and GSA28 servos will give me on screen indications of "Trim Up" or "Trim Down". (I have manual elevator and aileron trim). The system does not give me "Trim Left or Trim Right" indications.

Is this normal for the G3X touch system, or am I missing something?

With electric trim connected to the GSA 28 pitch servo, the autopilot will drive trim movement to relieve servo torque on the control surface, when the GSA 28 senses that it is having to apply greater than 8% servo torque over a period of time. This ensures the plane remains in trim with the autopilot engaged. When autotrim is not being used, that same trigger is used to flash the Trim Up/Down messages, to accomplish the same thing. There are no corresponding messages for the roll axis.


With electric trim connected to the GSA 28 pitch servo, the autopilot will drive trim movement to relieve servo torque on the control surface, when the GSA 28 senses that it is having to apply greater than 8% servo torque over a period of time. This ensures the plane remains in trim with the autopilot engaged. When autotrim is not being used, that same trigger is used to flash the Trim Up/Down messages, to accomplish the same thing. There are no corresponding messages for the roll axis.



Thanks Justin. We need to add this to the G3X Touch Wish List!!;)