
Time to VNAV appears to be missing as one of the options for customizable data fields. I would find this very helpful.

Right now the only way I can find to check this is to call up the flight plan - does anyone know any other tricks to get it to appear on the default PFD display?
It's an available data field for the upper bar

I'm checking the latest G3X Touch Pilot guide. The Data Bar Field Options are covered on pp 301-303. Time to VNAV is not listed.

It is an option for the Info Page (shown on p. 305) but that's not continuously displayed.)
You're right, the field I have and use is vnav vertical speed required, that's good enough for me, I do goto the vnav page to view the time but I call this a good thing because it lets me verify what the vnav settings are producing those figures, sometimes they're stale or wrong
Brian, thank you, that's a great tip! Certainly a lot better than loading the flight plan page frequently to check up on how soon to VNAV.

It would still be nice to have an actual time in minutes. I hope they'll add that in a future software update...Garmin Team X are surprisingly great at being responsive to our feedback.
I've also looked for the time to vnav profile as an upper databar field. This would be a great enhancement!

(BTW, I LOVE the VNAV profile option! In conjunction with the VNAV option on the autopilot, it makes things WAY too easy!)
Hello folks,

Yes, we read VAF at work just like you do. :) And we like to get feedback from our customers, so in a future software release we will add an "ETV" data field as a selectable choice for the data bar in both the G3X and G3X Touch displays.

- Matt
VNAV Path?
Is there a legs page showing distance, speed and altitude at the next fix?


Will the 307 A/P fly this profile in VNAV Path?
VNAV Path?
Is there a legs page showing distance, speed and altitude at the next fix?


Hello Mr. FlyGuy,

Usually it's only the kerosene captains who ask about such a feature. What airline do you fly for? :)

As described in the pilot's guide, the G3X system supports simple vertical navigation that is primarily intended to be used to descend from cruise altitude to pattern altitude at the destination airport. It's also very easy to meet crossing altitude restrictions using the selected altitude intercept arc on the map, which is also described in the pilot's guide. In my experience, anything more complex is generally not encountered or required for typical RV flying.

- Matt
Thanks Matt. We are installing the G3X Touch with the 307 A/P.
Got a good shop doing all of this, including the aircraft wiring.

Here is your new ATC clearance:

"RV 1234, descend to and maintain 10,000, but cross FUZ at or above 11,000."

Can you select 10,000 on your altitude window, and put in the altitude restriction at FUZ? Then fly this in VNAV using the highest level of automation?

I am familiar with the green arc on the NAV shows where you will reach your selected altitude on the flight track. Works that way in the 777. I am 5 years away from the left seat on the Triple. United, formerly Continental.
Hello Mr. FlyGuy,

In the scenario you described, you would use altitude preselect in conjunction with either VS or IAS mode to descend to 11,000 feet. Upon overflying the specified waypoint, you would repeat the same procedure to descend to 10,000 feet. It takes less effort to perform these tasks than it does to describe it, and I think you'll find that this is a complete non-event when flying an RV. They are a lot slower than the 777.

- Matt
Sorry about reviving this old thread.

My instrument instructor just asked me the same thing (yes, he flies kerosene in his other life...). Is this still not available for the G3Xt/GTN? He gave me an example of flying one of the arrivals into KDTW where the fixes have required and expected altitudes.

Personally I would be happy if I could just have a field on the flt pln showing the altitudes at each fix.

While we are talking VNAV, I go into the FLT plan and set it up and believe also set it up to notify me at the proper time. I don't thing I have ever received any notification. Not a big enough deal to look it up. Anyone know what I should expect for notification. I think I tried it in the GTN and same thing.
I?m happy to say that ?Time to VNAV? is a field that can be added to the top databar.

It?s especially handy in that my wife likes to see how long we have before the descent so we can be sure the kids and all kid related stuff is safely stowed.