
Well Known Member
Good Afternoon,

G3X Touch software version 9.00 and G3X software version 12.30 were posted to the Software Download Area today. Among several background improvements there are a few new features included, as detailed below.

Several system LRU's will be updated with this software load, the software download page includes a detailed LRU software change list. Cross-referencing the System Information page in configuration mode, please ensure each LRU is successfully updated to the appropriate software level upon completion of the software load.

G3X Touch Software Version 9.00

We are excited to include an improved glide range ring in this software update for G3X Touch. The Glide Range Ring will now compensate for terrain and obstacles to provide a more accurate depiction of the area surrounding the aircraft that the aircraft is reasonably within glide range of, according to the performance values entered for the aircraft when the system was initially installed and configured.

When the Glide Range Ring is displayed as a double-width cyan line, the area inside the ring is estimated to be within glide range of the aircraft, and if Smart Glide is engaged, the autopilot will automatically couple to the Smart Glide flight director guidance. If displayed as a single-width cyan line, the aircraft has been determined to be too low, and while Smart Glide will provide flight director guidance, the autopilot will not automatically engage. The Glide Range Ring turns yellow in color when Smart Glide is active. This is similar to the current range of Glide Range Ring indications.


  • Improve glide range ring to take terrain and obstacles into account
  • Improve radio tuning
  • Improve map display of TFR, NOTAM, and obstacle data
  • Improve MapMX operation
  • Correct display of winds aloft magnitude for FIS-B sources
  • General improvements to system operation
  • Includes update to G5 software version 8.00
  • Includes update to GAD27 software version 2.70
  • Includes update to timezone database version 28.00
  • Includes G5 boot block software version 2.20
  • Includes GAD13 software version 2.10
  • Includes GAD13 boot block software version 2.00
  • Includes GAD27 boot block software version 2.30
  • Includes GAD29 software version 3.40
  • Includes GAD29 boot block software version 3.10
  • Includes GAD29C/D software version 2.10
  • Includes GAD29C/D boot block software version 2.00
  • Includes GDL39 software version 4.91
  • Includes GDL5x software version 2.15
  • Includes GEA24 software version 3.90
  • Includes GEA24 boot block software version 2.20
  • Includes GI260 software version 2.80
  • Includes GI260 boot block software version 2.20
  • Includes GMA245 audio software version 2.20
  • Includes GMA245 Bluetooth software version 2.00
  • Includes GMA245 software version 2.80
  • Includes GMA245 boot block software version 2.30
  • Includes GMC507 software version 3.10
  • Includes GMC507 boot block software version 2.30
  • Includes GMU11 software version 2.10
  • Includes GMU11 boot block software version 2.00
  • Includes GPS20A software version 2.40
  • Includes GPS20A boot block software version 2.10
  • Includes GSA28 software version 4.90/2.20
  • Includes GSA28 boot block software version 2.20/2.10
  • Includes GSU25/B software version 4.30
  • Includes GSU25/B boot block software version 2.20
  • Includes GSU25C/D software version 2.70
  • Includes GSU25C/D boot block software version 2.00
  • Includes GSU73 software version 3.80
  • Includes GSU73 IGRF database version 1.04 (Base Year 2020)
  • Includes GTR20/200 software version 3.30
  • Includes GTR20/200 boot block software version 2.30
G3X 12.30

G3X Software 12.30 introduces a few new features as well as several background updates to improve system operation and reliability.

Smart Glide - While G3X is not capable of supporting Smart Glide natively, as the G3X Touch hardware is, these systems can support GTN Xi driven Smart Glide, providing basic Flight Director mode annunciation, autopilot coupling, and audible alerting. All Smart Glide activity is controlled through the GTN Xi (activate/cancel). For that reason the GTN Xi Pilot's Guide is where the function of this feature is explained in detail. GTN Xi configuration information can be found in the GTN Xi Installation Manual.


Multiple Armed Flight Director Modes - As recently introduced in G3X Touch, this software update allows the APPR and VNAV flight director modes to be armed simultaneously. This will allow the pilot to arm APPR mode earlier in the flight than possible in past software versions. The "Transition to Approach" configuration setting should be enabled on the GTN Navigator alongside this GDU software update. This setting can be found in GTN configuration mode, under GTN Setup > Navigation Features > Vertical Navigation.

  • Add support for Smart Glide (requires compatible external GPS navigator)
  • Add support for LP+V CDI scale
  • Add ability to simultaneously arm flight director VNAV mode along with GS or GP mode (requires GMC mode control panel)
  • Improve AFCS operation with blocked pitot tube
  • Improve functionality of GSU 25 backup RS-232 connection
  • Improve synthetic vision Pathways display
  • Improve transponder interface
  • Improve NAV radio interface
  • General improvement to system operation
  • Includes update to G5 software version 8.00
  • Includes update to GAD13 software version 2.10
  • Includes update to GAD29C/D software version 2.10
  • Includes update to GEA24 software version 3.90
  • Includes update to GMC507 software version 3.10
  • Includes update to GSU25C/D software version 2.70
  • Includes GAD29 software version 3.40
  • Includes GDL39 software version 4.91
  • Includes GI260 software version 2.80
  • Includes GMU11 software version 2.10
  • Includes GPS20A software version 2.40
  • Includes GPS20A GPS software version 2.10
  • Includes GSA28 software version 4.90
  • Includes GSU25 software version 4.30
  • Includes GSU73 software version 3.80
  • Includes GSU73 IGRF database version 1.04 (Base Year 2020)


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Microsoft is blocking the update

I tried to download the G3X Touch Update and had no joy. I've done this many times in the past successfully. However, I recently installed Windows 11 and I think Microsoft broke the Garmin Update program so it won't let me update/load with anything that is not coming from the Microsoft Store. I'm sure there must be a setting I don't know about that allows the Garmin update app to work but don't know where to look for it.

Anyone, able to run the latest G3X update loading an SD card using a PC running Windows 11 (the way it's been working for years)? :-(
Do I just update my G3X PFD and MFD, or do I use this software to update my GTN 650 as well?
DAR Gary
Not sure if this a common problem but ran into an issue upgrading to 12.3 today.

Support was awesome, as usual, and knew exactly the problem. After the update the attitude would blank out intermittently, and there was no heading information. There was also the AHRS aligning message when the ATT failed, but with an added note "keep wings level"

Evidently the CAN bus was being overloaded. With PFD in CONFIG mode you could see the update to AHRS2 starting then stopping...but the version wasn't updating to 2.70 which is part of the 12.30 update. Support indicated that the CAN bus gets overloaded when updating, then when it fails it stops to protect the LRU from "bricking", then once it sees the CAN bus again it attempts another update.

The solution was to shut off LRUs between the CAN bus terminations, to free up "bandwidth?" Unfortunately, I didn't have the wiring diagram in front of me and forgot where the CAN bus was terminated, so I just started pulling the plug on everything except the PFD and the AHRS2 that was trying to update. Eventually, I got enough stuff removed from the CAN bus for AHRS2 to update, and all is well now.

Sure do wish they had a Mac loader for the GPS175 though...booting my Mac in Windoz feels dirty :)
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Unblock the exe

Figured out my issue in not being able to run the update exe I noted above. It turns out that windows 11 sets a Run Block settting on the exe file that didn't happen with windows 10. So before you can run it on windows 11 you have to got to the file property settings and click on Unblock to permit/allow it to run.
Good Afternoon,

G3X Touch software version 9.00 and G3X software version 12.30 were posted to the Software Download Area today. Among several background improvements there are a few new features included, as detailed below.

Several system LRU's will be updated with this software load, the software download page includes a detailed LRU software change list. Cross-referencing the System Information page in configuration mode, please ensure each LRU is successfully updated to the appropriate software level upon completion of the software load.

G3X Touch Software Version 9.00

We are excited to include an improved glide range ring in this software update for G3X Touch. The Glide Range Ring will now compensate for terrain and obstacles to provide a more accurate depiction of the area surrounding the aircraft that the aircraft is reasonably within glide range of, according to the performance values entered for the aircraft when the system was initially installed and configured.

When the Glide Range Ring is displayed as a double-width cyan line, the area inside the ring is estimated to be within glide range of the aircraft, and if Smart Glide is engaged, the autopilot will automatically couple to the Smart Glide flight director guidance. If displayed as a single-width cyan line, the aircraft has been determined to be too low, and while Smart Glide will provide flight director guidance, the autopilot will not automatically engage. The Glide Range Ring turns yellow in color when Smart Glide is active. This is similar to the current range of Glide Range Ring indications.


  • Improve glide range ring to take terrain and obstacles into account
  • Improve radio tuning
  • Improve map display of TFR, NOTAM, and obstacle data
  • Improve MapMX operation
  • Correct display of winds aloft magnitude for FIS-B sources
  • General improvements to system operation
  • Includes update to G5 software version 8.00
  • Includes update to GAD27 software version 2.70
  • Includes update to timezone database version 28.00
  • Includes G5 boot block software version 2.20
  • Includes GAD13 software version 2.10
  • Includes GAD13 boot block software version 2.00
  • Includes GAD27 boot block software version 2.30
  • Includes GAD29 software version 3.40
  • Includes GAD29 boot block software version 3.10
  • Includes GAD29C/D software version 2.10
  • Includes GAD29C/D boot block software version 2.00
  • Includes GDL39 software version 4.91
  • Includes GDL5x software version 2.15
  • Includes GEA24 software version 3.90
  • Includes GEA24 boot block software version 2.20
  • Includes GI260 software version 2.80
  • Includes GI260 boot block software version 2.20
  • Includes GMA245 audio software version 2.20
  • Includes GMA245 Bluetooth software version 2.00
  • Includes GMA245 software version 2.80
  • Includes GMA245 boot block software version 2.30
  • Includes GMC507 software version 3.10
  • Includes GMC507 boot block software version 2.30
  • Includes GMU11 software version 2.10
  • Includes GMU11 boot block software version 2.00
  • Includes GPS20A software version 2.40
  • Includes GPS20A boot block software version 2.10
  • Includes GSA28 software version 4.90/2.20
  • Includes GSA28 boot block software version 2.20/2.10
  • Includes GSU25/B software version 4.30
  • Includes GSU25/B boot block software version 2.20
  • Includes GSU25C/D software version 2.70
  • Includes GSU25C/D boot block software version 2.00
  • Includes GSU73 software version 3.80
  • Includes GSU73 IGRF database version 1.04 (Base Year 2020)
  • Includes GTR20/200 software version 3.30
  • Includes GTR20/200 boot block software version 2.30
G3X 12.30

G3X Software 12.30 introduces a few new features as well as several background updates to improve system operation and reliability.

Smart Glide - While G3X is not capable of supporting Smart Glide natively, as the G3X Touch hardware is, these systems can support GTN Xi driven Smart Glide, providing basic Flight Director mode annunciation, autopilot coupling, and audible alerting. All Smart Glide activity is controlled through the GTN Xi (activate/cancel). For that reason the GTN Xi Pilot's Guide is where the function of this feature is explained in detail. GTN Xi configuration information can be found in the GTN Xi Installation Manual.


Multiple Armed Flight Director Modes - As recently introduced in G3X Touch, this software update allows the APPR and VNAV flight director modes to be armed simultaneously. This will allow the pilot to arm APPR mode earlier in the flight than possible in past software versions. The "Transition to Approach" configuration setting should be enabled on the GTN Navigator alongside this GDU software update. This setting can be found in GTN configuration mode, under GTN Setup > Navigation Features > Vertical Navigation.

  • Add support for Smart Glide (requires compatible external GPS navigator)
  • Add support for LP+V CDI scale
  • Add ability to simultaneously arm flight director VNAV mode along with GS or GP mode (requires GMC mode control panel)
  • Improve AFCS operation with blocked pitot tube
  • Improve functionality of GSU 25 backup RS-232 connection
  • Improve synthetic vision Pathways display
  • Improve transponder interface
  • Improve NAV radio interface
  • General improvement to system operation
  • Includes update to G5 software version 8.00
  • Includes update to GAD13 software version 2.10
  • Includes update to GAD29C/D software version 2.10
  • Includes update to GEA24 software version 3.90
  • Includes update to GMC507 software version 3.10
  • Includes update to GSU25C/D software version 2.70
  • Includes GAD29 software version 3.40
  • Includes GDL39 software version 4.91
  • Includes GI260 software version 2.80
  • Includes GMU11 software version 2.10
  • Includes GPS20A software version 2.40
  • Includes GPS20A GPS software version 2.10
  • Includes GSA28 software version 4.90
  • Includes GSU25 software version 4.30
  • Includes GSU73 software version 3.80
  • Includes GSU73 IGRF database version 1.04 (Base Year 2020)



Hi G3Xexpert,

Are you able to confirm if version 9.0 for the G3X made any changes to the flap position/control logic in the GAD 27 module? I note in the release notes:

Includes update to GAD27 software version 2.70
Includes GAD27 boot block software version 2.30

This update has appeared to actually fixed an issue I have been having with my flaps controls (absolute mode) When selecting one particular preset flap position (using a rotary selector switch) the flaps would cycle back and forth, the other positions all worked just fine. To make it more confusing it only did this on the ground, when in the air with drag on the flap there was no problem (possibly rate of change in the sensor signal from the actuator) anyway Versiom 9.0 seems to have fixed this! Not unhappy just keen to know if this update made any changes to the flap control logic?

Hi G3Xpert!
Do you know when or if this upgrade will come out for the Certified G3X Touch? And when/if you will have that pesky interface with the GI275?
Smart Glide Logic

I'm sure there is a reason but why would Smart Glide not point out the closest airport even if it was not in the glide ring? So many engine issues are partial failures and getting one pointed to the closest airport might be a good option. By the way the new update works great to keep one from accidently heading in the direction of a tower so even when the terrain is flat there are issues to deal with, nice upgrade !