
Well Known Member
Garmin is pleased to announce G3X Touch Software Version 7.00 is now available for download. You can download the free software from the Garmin website: https://www8.garmin.com/support/collection.jsp?product=010-00G3X-00
Revision AH of the installation manual is also available for download: https://support.garmin.com/support/manuals/manuals.htm?partNo=010-00G3X-00

NOTE: Version 7.00 software has several new versions of remote LRU software. It is recommended to load software to PFD 1 last. As PFD 1 reboots after loading software, hold the MENU key to bring the display up in configuration mode. On the system information page you can watch the software download to each of the remote LRUs. Don't shut power down to the system until all remote LRUs have updated.

Here are some of the new features in V7.00 software. A full list of changes can be viewed on the software download page.

The first feature I am excited to announce is the ability to export and import configuration data. Although every G3X Touch system already contains a config module that backs up important configuration data, some users have asked us for additional ways to save a copy of this data. The system configuration can now be exported and imported using an SD card. To export the configuration, press “menu” and select “Export System Configuration” on the Config Files page in configuration mode. If you are using this data to restore your system from a backup, all previously saved data including calibration data (e.g. fuel probes and flap position sensor) will be loaded. If saved configuration data is loaded into a different G3X Touch system, the aircraft specific calibration data will not be overwritten.

The north arrow icon has been turned into a button to temporarily toggle the map orientation. This allows you to temporarily see north up or track up while looking at the map. Toggling a map to either north up or track up does not change the G3X Touch default map setting, and does not affect maps on other pages.

Added ability to share internal GPS navigation data with G5. Previously in a G3X Touch system, the G5 would only show navigation from external navigators. Now, the G5 will also show navigation information when using internal GPS flight planning/navigation on the G3X Touch.

Added support for GSA 28 servos used as pitch trim and roll trim motors. The GSA 28 can be installed in cable driven trim systems using a capstan to add electric trim to an existing manual trim system. Note that this is not applicable to any current RV aircraft.

Added support for sky pointer roll indicator display on PFD. Previously, the attitude display was always displayed using the traditional “ground pointer” style of attitude indicator most of us are used to. The roll indicator display can now be changed in the PFD menu in configuration mode to show a sky pointer, which may be of interest to those with an airline background.

Updated checklist page to preserve progress when page is closed. Previously any checkmarks added to the checklist page would not be saved when you left the checklist page. These checkmarks are now retained until the next power cycle.

Changed audio alert when automatically engaging autopilot due to ESP activity. Previously a tone played when the autopilot engaged due to ESP activity. Now, a new voice alert “Engaging Autopilot” will be played when the autopilot is engaged because of ESP.

Added support for RS-232 interface to GMA 342/345. When connected to the G3X Touch system the PFD will display the marker beacon OMI lights. Also, the G3X Touch display will show active frequency of the selected COM radio in green (see image below for an example). This feature also enables the option to use the COM FREQ SWAP discrete input to the G3X Touch system to remotely swap frequencies on the active COM radio.

When configuring your fuel tank quantity inputs, you can now choose to display your fuel quantity gauges side by side. This feature will show your digital fuel quantity on the EIS strip for each gauge. When configured, the EIS strip is slightly widened to add the side-by-side fuel gauges.

Updated airport runway information page to display winds vector as a headwind and crosswind component. The best runway is shown in green.

Added fault indication when GAD 27 is not receiving required power to help troubleshooting wiring errors and to help detect in flight faults. The GAD 27 will provide power input fault messages when the trim, flap, or lighting power inputs are not receiving power.

Announcement continued in next post
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Continued Announcement

Added support for GAD 27 absolute flap position mode. Previously, the GAD 27 could be connected to a switch to drive flaps up or down, with optional airspeed limits. After commanding the flaps up or down, the flaps would run to the next programed flap position. We still support this functionality and have named this the Relative Position mode. The new Absolute Position mode uses up to four active low inputs to the GAD 27 to command specific flap positions. For example, if you have a four-position rotary switch, you can program the four positions to -3, 0, 15, 40 degrees. When you place the switch in any position, the GAD 27 will run the flaps to the calibrated position. Section 35.4.12 of the installation manual has been updated to detail how to configure the GAD 27 for relative or absolute position mode.

An implementation of this new absolute flap position capability is sure to be popular with RV-6/7/8/9 aircraft which use 3 flap positions. You can install a 3 position MS27407-4 switch and wire it to the GAD 27 as shown below from Figure 27-2.3 of the updated installation manual.

Added support for more complex weight and balance envelopes. Previously a weight and balance envelope was limited to the shape of a rectangle. Now, more datapoints can be added to draw a more complex loading envelope.

If you have any questions about any of these features or if you need assistance with your Garmin products, please contact us using the information in our signature below.

Levi Self

Team X Project Manager
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Gee, just when you think it can’t get any better. Well done folks. Thanks for posting it here so we know to update.
Any updates for us G3X 37x guys or have we been forgotten?

Nope, you are not forgotten. The GDU 37X being an older, more mature product has fewer releases than the newer G3X Touch. However, we have a release in queue for the GDU 37X.

Levi Self
Team X Project Manager
.Excited to get some of these new features enabled in my aircraft, not all will be applicable.

And I need to educate myself on sky pointer. Anyone care to share their knowledge? I can't see any relevant thing different in the two pix beside the text.
Many thanks for the continued updates. I'm really happy that you guys continue to add functionality to these units.

Any updates on the following features?
- Additional ADS-B weather update from last July (lightning, cloud tops, icing, etc)
- Garmin Pilot engine data transfer released last July.

Thanks again!
Wow, some significant upgrades! This is great.

Any word on adding icing layers, and the other new ADSB information?

Many thanks for the continued updates. I'm really happy that you guys continue to add functionality to these units.

Any updates on the following features?
- Additional ADS-B weather update from last July (lightning, cloud tops, icing, etc)
- Garmin Pilot engine data transfer released last July.

Thanks again!
Wow, some significant upgrades! This is great.

Any word on adding icing layers, and the other new ADSB information?


We are constantly working on new features including some of the items above. However, we do not yet have those features fully implemented/tested. The goal is to get them into a future software release. Thanks for your patience!

Nope, you are not forgotten. The GDU 37X being an older, more mature product has fewer releases than the newer G3X Touch. However, we have a release in queue for the GDU 37X.

Levi Self
Team X Project Manager

Thanks Levi, I am just getting to use all the features in IMC and looking forward to the vertical guidance acceptance from the 650 v6.51.

I just added the TO/GA button which was not available when the unit was installed.

Thanks for keeping us current!!
Would love to have PFD data and comm radio control mirrored to a tablet in the back seat like GRT can do. That way the tablet could be installed/removed easily for back seaters who are/are not interested in flying and helping with CRM.
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I am amazed by the capabilities of the G3X system and look forward to learning more of its features. I do have one wish, though: A larger vertical speed indicator. I find I use the VSI a lot in instrument flying. I find it a better indicator of trends than the slower-to-respond altimeter. Perhaps, it is just me, but I would really like a better way to see vertical speed than the tiny pointer currently shown. My older eyes would thank you. :rolleyes:
crosswind component display

Updated airport runway information page to display winds vector as a headwind and crosswind component. The best runway is shown in green.

Can you explain more about how the wind/crosswind component is displayed? I understand the green for best runway choice, but how to decifer the up/down/left/right arrows and numbers? I am guessing right now.
Looks like it works just like Garmin Pilot. Green: 8kt head wind 7kt left cross wind. That’s what you will have if you land on 22.
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Runway wind component information is nice, but you still have to go back to the first screen to get the airport elevation. TPA would be nice on the runway page, also...

Sky Pointer

.Excited to get some of these new features enabled in my aircraft, not all will be applicable.

And I need to educate myself on sky pointer. Anyone care to share their knowledge? I can't see any relevant thing different in the two pix beside the text.


The Sky Pointer vs ground pointer is the bank angle indication. Most likely you're used to seeing the ground pointer so when you are in a 20 degree right bank turn as in the picture you read your degree of bank in the direction of turn. The sky pointer is opposite, in a 20 degree right bank turn you read your degree of bank opposite the direction of turn. I have circled the pointers in red in the picture from Garmin.

The theory behind the Sky Pointer is that in an unusual attitude you simply turn to the sky pointer and that will always be the shortest distance to wings up. so in the picture above turning back to the left where the sky pointer is located would bring you back to level attitude with the horizon, wings up.

Short explanation made long, but I hope it helps!

The Sky Pointer vs ground pointer is the bank angle indication. Most likely you're used to seeing the ground pointer so when you are in a 20 degree right bank turn as in the picture you read your degree of bank in the direction of turn. The sky pointer is opposite, in a 20 degree right bank turn you read your degree of bank opposite the direction of turn. I have circled the pointers in red in the picture from Garmin.

The theory behind the Sky Pointer is that in an unusual attitude you simply turn to the sky pointer and that will always be the shortest distance to wings up. so in the picture above turning back to the left where the sky pointer is located would bring you back to level attitude with the horizon, wings up.

Short explanation made long, but I hope it helps!
Excellent explanation, makes sense and thank you very much for this. Learned something new today.
Ipad Simulator?

There is a great Ipad app for the GTN650/750. Is there a similar app available for the G3X Touch?

If not, are there any plans to offer one?
There is a great Ipad app for the GTN650/750. Is there a similar app available for the G3X Touch?

If not, are there any plans to offer one?

We don't currently have an app/simulator for the G3X Touch. However, if you have a G3X Touch system, you can boot the system in demo mode on the ground. To boot the display in to demo mode, hold down the Direct To button on the display during power up. We run demo mode on our kiosks during the airshows.

When you are in demo mode, you can place the airplane in any position on the map by touching the map, and then holding down the Direct To button. In the main menu, there is a simulator icon which allows you to simulate winds, airspeed, and altitude. This is a great way to familiarize yourself with the system before first flight.

Levi Self

Team X Project Manager
Excellent Update

This is a good update. In particular, I very much like the checklist update, which I used daily.

Separately, every now and again, I was getting "trim up" or "trim down" alerts when flying along in cruise since updating to v6.30 last year. This struck me as odd considering the unit has auto trim - it was as if the servos would be delayed in auto trimming, but the system would eventually trim itself out after a few seconds. It seems that error has been eliminated now. I'm not sure if there was specific update for this, or maybe it was just a reset of something. Either way, I'm much happier now.
Would love to have PFD data and comm radio control mirrored to a tablet in the back seat like GRT can do. That way the tablet could be installed/removed easily for back seaters who are/are not interested in flying and helping with CRM.

This would be awesome! Didn?t know GRT had that feature. Yes please team X.
Great Upgrade, and

I wish we could turn to the checklist screen like the Map, Charts, Waypoint, WX, etc. ie. by rotating an outer knob. Having to press Menu twice and then select Checklist? :eek:
I wish we could turn to the checklist screen like the Map, Charts, Waypoint, WX, etc. ie. by rotating an outer knob.

Please don't add a page that we have to scroll through and is redundant for the many who don't use electronic checklists. An better way to accomplish quick access for those who do use them is to offer "Checklist" as one of the User Fields that always appear at the top right of the display.
Please don't add a page that we have to scroll through and is redundant for the many who don't use electronic checklists. An better way to accomplish quick access for those who do use them is to offer "Checklist" as one of the User Fields that always appear at the top right of the display.

Or a user configurable option to make it a page.
Poition Indicator

I know for the PFD we can get the position of flaps, elevator and roll trim but anyone know if we can add a 4th indicator. Or else add separate position indicators for the 2nd EFIS. I want to know the position of my linear actuator for the oil flap valve.
GMA350 MARKER Lights on G3X?

Can I connect a GMA350 with the G3X Touch and have the MARKER Lights displayed on the big screen or does this update support the GMA342 / 345 only?

My preference is the GMA345 but it doesn't feature 'Telligence' (operating the GTN75X/62X by voice commands) which I find useful when flying IFR..

GMA 350

Can I connect a GMA350 with the G3X Touch and have the MARKER Lights displayed on the big screen or does this update support the GMA342 / 345 only?

My preference is the GMA345 but it doesn't feature 'Telligence' (operating the GTN75X/62X by voice commands) which I find useful when flying IFR..



All of the integration for the GMA 350 will be through a GTN Navigator.



All of the integration for the GMA 350 will be through a GTN Navigator.




That means no MARKER OMI lights displayed on the G3X
No com frequency swap with discrete input
No display of active freq of selected com in green (upper bar)

What other functions would I miss if I go with the GMA350c instead of the GMA345?

Does the RS-232 interface to GMA 342/345 allow to control all the music distribution and audio panel features via the G3X screen like the CAN interface does with the GMA245?

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GMA 345 Serial Interface


That means no MARKER OMI lights displayed on the G3X
No com frequency swap with discrete input
No display of active freq of selected com in green (upper bar)

What other functions would I miss if I go with the GMA350c instead of the GMA345?

Does the RS-232 interface to GMA 342/345 allow to control all the music distribution and audio panel features via the G3X screen like the CAN interface does with the GMA245?



The RS 232 interface between the GMA 345 and G3X Touch display does not allow for the advanced music distribution control that the GMA 245 is capable of via CAN bus. The serial data path between the GMA 345 and G3X Touch allows for the display of marker beacon information on the PFD, and selected COM on the data bar at the top of the display.



The RS 232 interface between the GMA 345 and G3X Touch display does not allow for the advanced music distribution control that the GMA 245 is capable of via CAN bus. The serial data path between the GMA 345 and G3X Touch allows for the display of marker beacon information on the PFD, and selected COM on the data bar at the top of the display.



Thank you Justin!
Garmin G3X -

Thanks very much for all of the innovation and support. I have two questions:

1. Flap Absolute Position - Is it necessary to use an ON-ON-ON switch as you have shown in your example, or is it possible to use say 3 separate momentary buttons to command each position?

2. LVL Button - I see in the installation manual that with the GEA 24 you can program one of the four discrete inputs for the LVL button function, which is great because I would like to put this on my stick grip. My question is, if you are using the GSA28 servos with the G3X but do not have a seperate GMC head installed, is this function still possible?

Thanks much!

1. Flap Absolute Position - Is it necessary to use an ON-ON-ON switch as you have shown in your example, or is it possible to use say 3 separate momentary buttons to command each position?

Page 27-21 of the G3X Touch installation manual shows how to use 4 separate momentary buttons for absolute position control of a 4 position flap system. Similarly, you can use 3 momentary buttons for absolute position control of a 3 position flap system.


2. LVL Button - I see in the installation manual that with the GEA 24 you can program one of the four discrete inputs for the LVL button function, which is great because I would like to put this on my stick grip. My question is, if you are using the GSA28 servos with the G3X but do not have a separate GMC head installed, is this function still possible?

Yes, you can use a separate LVL Button on a G3X Touch system without a GMC control panel using an input discrete configured for "AFCS Level" as explained on page 35-184.

BTW - This is an old thread. G3X Touch V8.72 software is current.

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