
Well Known Member
On Tuesday we released a major software update for the G3X Touch system. As usual, software updates are free to download from our website. To get all the details and download the latest, follow this link.

One major new feature is the addition of airspace altitude labels on our dynamic moving map. This has been a big customer request and we are excited to deliver. In the example below, you'll see the altitude ceiling labeled on the Class D airspace as well as the restricted airspace floor and ceiling.


The next major feature is related to new engine monitoring support. I recognize this is not necessarily applicable to our RVs, but you never know what other projects are lurking out there in the RV world!

  • Multi-engine monitoring using two GEA 24 LRUs (Only requires 1 GDU 46X or 45X display)
  • Single engine with 7-12 cylinders support using two GEA 24 LRUs
  • Support for additional discrete inputs on a second GEA 24 if installed

So if you happen to have dreams of building an AirCam someday, or maybe need engine monitoring support for something unusual like a V8 engine or 9 cylinder radial, we've got you covered! Here are some examples of the new engine monitoring layouts.

9 Cylinder Engine


Twin Engine




I just fired up my system last week and was able to sit in my plane and have some fun trying things out. I will update today for more fun!

What would be great would be a class or seminar on how to use the system.
Non touch airspace altitudes?

Any possibility that the non touch G3X will be getting airspace altitudes added?
John, it appears that the firmware update is in Garmin Pilot. I was flying last Sunday and was having intermittent GDL 39 connectivity when a notice popped up in Garmin Pilot that there was a firmware update available to upload. I debated on whether to wait until I got on the ground but decided to give it a try in flight. I was at altitude and on autopilot. It took about 3 minutes for the update to load and reboot and I immediately had a rock-solid connection to the GDL 39 on my iPad! Pretty cool and a first for me.
John, it appears that the firmware update is in Garmin Pilot. I was flying last Sunday and was having intermittent GDL 39 connectivity when a notice popped up in Garmin Pilot that there was a firmware update available to upload. I debated on whether to wait until I got on the ground but decided to give it a try in flight. I was at altitude and on autopilot. It took about 3 minutes for the update to load and reboot and I immediately had a rock-solid connection to the GDL 39 on my iPad! Pretty cool and a first for me.

Thanks Pat. I am using Foreflight, so maybe I have to wait until they update their program.

Hope things are going good on the east coast.
Found it:

Changes made from version 4.90 to 5.00:

Add display of airspace altitudes on map
Add support for multi-engine monitoring using two GEA 24 LRUs
Add support for single engines with 7-12 cylinders using two GEA 24 LRUs
Add support for additional discrete inputs on second GEA 24
Add ability to configure fuel economy units separately from fuel quantity
Add setup options to control appearance of airport and navaid facility names on map
Improve engine gauge number display for Bar and atmosphere units
Improve FADEC engine power and time display
Change to display ADS-B airport NOTAM data when SXM weather source is selected
General improvements to system operation
Includes update to G5 software version 2.50
Includes update to GDL39 software version 4.80
Includes GAD27 software version 2.20
Includes GAD29 software version 2.30
Includes GEA24 software version 2.90
Includes GI260 software version 2.70
Includes GMA245 audio software version 2.20
Includes GMA245 Bluetooth software version 2.00
Includes GMA245 software version 2.20
Includes GPS20A software version 2.20
Includes GSA28 software version 3.20
Includes GSU25 software version 3.60
Includes GSU73 software version 3.60
Includes GSU73 IGRF database version 1.03 (Base Year 2015)
Includes GTR20/200 software version 2.80
Twin Gauges !!!

Wow, seems like Garmin put a lot of work in to this. I know a lot people in the Certified world that would kill to have an EFIS like that in their twin. I know I would have loved to have something this slick in my 310 before I got in to the RV world. With that said, why would a company like Garmin put so much resources to release a new feature like this to the Experimental market when there so few experimental twins? Hmmmm, makes you think there are some interesting things coming :)
Wow, seems like Garmin put a lot of work in to this. I know a lot people in the Certified world that would kill to have an EFIS like that in their twin. I know I would have loved to have something this slick in my 310 before I got in to the RV world. With that said, why would a company like Garmin put so much resources to release a new feature like this to the Experimental market when there so few experimental twins? Hmmmm, makes you think there are some interesting things coming :)

There's surprisingly more twin Experimental's being built than most would guess. Lockwood AirCam's have been getting completed at a good clip lately, as have the Twin Velocity aircraft....and there are a couple neat birds on the drawing board out there (not saying one of "our" metal birds though) which may nicely utilize this function. The round engine crowd has also been screaming for this for awhile now too...and lastly, there have been a few Reno Racers and other "V-12" powered aircraft which I happen to know will also welcome some of this additional functionality. Well our RV world is a great place, there is a lot going on outside of it as well! :)

Will GTR200 v2.80 be available as a standalone update?

Hello lrgabriel,

Software version 2.80 for the GTR 20/200 is now available on our website. However, anyone with version 2.70 should have no need to update, as this version contains only factory-related changes that do not impact anything related to using the radio.

- Matt
Is there a similar update for the legacy GDU 37x ???

Hello Danny,

We continue to release free updates for the GDU 37x displays, and the current software for the GDU 37x (version 11.20) does include many of the same improvements as the GDU 4xx software update discussed here. However, at this time we don't believe it would be feasible to add the airspace labeling feature or multi-engine support to the GDU 37x.

- Matt
Hello Danny,

We continue to release free updates for the GDU 37x displays, and the current software for the GDU 37x (version 11.20) does include many of the same improvements as the GDU 4xx software update discussed here. However, at this time we don't believe it would be feasible to add the airspace labeling feature or multi-engine support to the GDU 37x.

- Matt

I can sure understand not adding the multi engine support as all G3X Classic installations are single engine. I am very dissapointed in the airspace labling not being added. I was wondering when we would become orphans. Guess we know now.
I just fired up my system last week and was able to sit in my plane and have some fun trying things out. I will update today for more fun!

What would be great would be a class or seminar on how to use the system.

Brian usually gives some good seminars for using the G3X Touch at fly-ins. I learned a lot of tips at his Oshkosh forum, and I'm sure he will do the same thing at Sun 'n Fun and Sebring.
We continue to release free updates for the GDU 37x displays, and the current software for the GDU 37x (version 11.20) does include many of the same improvements as the GDU 4xx software update discussed here. However, at this time we don't believe it would be feasible to add the airspace labeling feature or multi-engine support to the GDU 37x.

Kind of disappointing. A week after spending 18 months removing an unnamed company intigrated display system the G3X touch was introduced. Wasn't about to go through all that again.......progress???
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Older hardware has limits..... It is inevitable. My original IPad is a paper weight. Still turns on but can't run any new programs....

It happens with all the manufacturers of electronic devices.