
Well Known Member
I removed the GDL 52 ADS-B dual band in + SXM weather/music unit from my RV-8 equipped with G3X touch. I did this as I was taking an RV-3 to Oshkosh and wanted the GDL-52 in the RV-3 for the cross-continent flight.

This weekend I flew the 8 sans GDL as I hadn't had time to swap it back in. I had the expected "no traffic" indicator in the traffic dedicated screen etc. However, when I came in to land in a Class C airport when on downwind and during base, final and taxi I got traffic balloons on the G3X touch GDU 460 screen. Whoah. I didn't have an LRU for ADS-B "in" of any kind but there it showed the traffic.

For ADS-B out only my aircraft is equipped with a GPS 20A WAAS and a GTX 23ES which remained onboard the aircraft.

Could the GTX 23ES be sending traffic back to the G3X Touch when in a terminal environment? Or similar? Very curious indeed.

Like Bob said, unless you have TIS-A turned off, likely what you were seeing. There are a few terminal areas that still provide that service.