
Active Member
After 90.5 hrs of perfect performance, both my GX Touch screens randomly and simultaneously X-out airspeed tape, altitude tape, attitude indicator, autopilot, and Comm 1 (altho radio performance is unaffected), This started with Comm1 only, then spread. At system start-up, indications are X-ed out nearly all the time, periodically shifting back to a brief normal display, then going back to red X's. After maybe a half-hour of use, the normal display appears more than half the time. Attitude Indicator has to reboot each time it comes back to normal display. What in the world is going on??
After 90.5 hrs of perfect performance, both my GX Touch screens randomly and simultaneously X-out airspeed tape, altitude tape, attitude indicator, autopilot, and Comm 1 (altho radio performance is unaffected), This started with Comm1 only, then spread. At system start-up, indications are X-ed out nearly all the time, periodically shifting back to a brief normal display, then going back to red X's. After maybe a half-hour of use, the normal display appears more than half the time. Attitude Indicator has to reboot each time it comes back to normal display. What in the world is going on??

Suggest you contact G3Xpert and they will help you troubleshoot. Sounds like it might be a performance issue with your CAN bus. They can help you with some diagnostics to help figure it out.
Suggest you contact G3Xpert and they will help you troubleshoot. Sounds like it might be a performance issue with your CAN bus. They can help you with some diagnostics to help figure it out.

In addition to Brantel's suggestion, I would also suggest your check if the back-up 232 data lines from the GSU25 and GEA24 were connected to the PFD, these connections will provide AHRS and Eng data to the PFD even if the CAN bus fails.

As both prior posts mentioned, we will be able to help you much more quickly if you email us directly. Typically troubleshooting an issue like this will require several back and forth exchanges to pin point what is going on. Our email address is in the signature below.

Levi Self

Team X Project Manager