
Well Known Member
I have a g3x touch with GDL 39.
First 5 flights I was receiving weather fine as well as seeing other aircraft on traffic display page. Flight today I had no weather or traffic except for air to air traffic. I was in the menu page yesterday and just might have accidentally turned something off. The weather page kept showing " waiting for data" the entire flight. Any tips on what to check for would be appreciated.
Not that this is necessarily appropriate for your issue, but at Savannah, the TIS uplink does not work with the terminal radar. They deny that there's a problem with their radar, and I've sent in an ASRS report. But I have seen traffic disappear from the ADS-B display as it got closer to Savannah, presumably a boundary between enroute and terminal radar.

No idea on the weather outage... the obvious candidates being the GDL39, too low an altitude, or the local ADS-B uplink having problems.