
Well Known Member
Once again it is time to update the database.
Once again, I have had problems doing so. Three ties, each one ends with the program hung up and a failed, try again later message. I have only come through three database cycles but I have yet to download one on the first attempt! Is anyone else having this issue?

Oddly enough, back when I had a Garmin auto GPS I always had trouble downloading updates. Guess Garmin needs some help in this area!

Scott A Jordan
Multiple databases?

Are you trying to download multiple database at one time? I?ve had trouble doing that before, then I would download just one or two at a time until I got all of them and that worked.
Mac or PC?

I've been downloading the databases for over a year now. I've had one or two errors/ corrupt files. I've used both Mac and the PC side of my mac without issue.
Couple of things...
Make sure your internet connection is solid.
I ALWAYS, reformat and erase the SD card for each load. (I'm not sure if this matters, but.. I don't need the old database). I keep one SD card just for G3X updates.
Make sure your computer does't go to sleep, sometimes that causes an error.
Make sure yo have the latest version of the FlyGarmin application.

The last 6 or so cycles, using my mac, I'f had no issues sticking to the above plan.

Do what Bluelabel says!

Format the disk eveytime!

That is the trick...

Oh.... and don’t go to the “GahMin” website..... you have to use the “GARMIN” website :D

(Massachusetts humor;) )
I had a heap of troubles downloading on my Mac in times past and did all the incantations mentioned above. The last 2 or 3 times, I didn't do anything and it worked just fine.
Guess Garmin needs some help in this area!

While it does not help you, I never have any issues with database updates other than how long it takes to install them. I don't do anything special. I do use a PC however and it seems most that have issues are trying to use a Mac.
I don't think I've ever had a problem using a fully updated early 2016 MacBook (or the iMac 5k,) Safari, and the Garmin Communicator plug-in v 4.2.0. Also use the recommended Sandisk? 8Gb SD card, which I never had to reformat - I just install the update on top of whatever is there. The culprit is probably some wonky configuration on the PC/Mac.
Fourth time..

Is the charm.

I know Garmin says to use 8GB cards but have you tried to buy one lately? Can't find anything less than 16 GB, these seem to work fine for the Operating system and log files.

Sounds like formatting the card is the trick, will try that next time.

Pay no attention to the joker from Florida!
What? Am I that Florida guy? :D

Yes, the 16MB SD works fine. I just upgraded to that a few cycles ago since my 2MB no longer handled the data update for my new GDU470.

I?ll lone yu mine if you come down here ;)
Full time snowbird

Well, I could have called you the Italian f ok New York and then everyone would understand what I put up,with!
I have three G3x touches and a GTN650 in my RV-8 and have had NO luck updating databases using my mac laptop. Usually the problem manifests itself as loading fine from the flygarmin site onto the card but then one or more critical databases are corrupt on loading into the G3X's. It takes about 30minutes to update everything when there is a cycle revision which, aside from being a PITA, is somewhat of a tax on the battery. Unfortunately, it is hard to do multiple units at once as they only let you download the IFR/VFR charts a couple times.

I bought a really cheap Dell laptop just for purposes of updating databases.
I do the updates using my mac all the time but like others have had issues with downloads. Not a huge deal since restarting it gets things going again.

You guys that are buying PC's specifically for updates can use bootcamp (free) on a mac and install a windows partition.
I'm using a mac and I didn't have any issues this cycle. I have Sandisk 8GB cards for the GDU460s and the Garmin card for the GTN650.

Last round the VFR/IFR Charts got corrupted. I didn't bother to fix it last cycle and it looks like this latest cycle is working fine.
The problem with partitioning a drive on a mac to run windows is that it really eats up a lot of resource.

As far as having files that are occasionally corrupt, it takes so long to upload them into the G3x's, combined with the fact that I live 15-20min away from the airport, that I cant afford very often to troubleshoot the problem with redownloading them or reinstalling them on the G3x's. Even with the PC in the hangar hotspotted to my iphone, the download times are in double digit hours.
I've had no problems using my mac.... Like I said, I use disk utility to erase and reformat the card each time (MS DOS FAT). No issues.