
Active Member
Is there an alternate method of getting into the G3X touch Config menu besides holding the menu button as it boots up?

I want to set up the magnetometer and trying to figure out how to start the airplane with the G3X touch on so I can monitor RPM, Oil Pressure, etc., taxi down to the compass rose, get into the config menu for setting it up.

Both G3X's come on with the master switch independently of the avionics switch, if I turn off the master the fuel pump shuts off and the Rotax 912iS shuts down.

Is there some button combination to access the config menu with the G3X hot?
OR, put another way, How have you RV-12 drivers set up your magnetometers?
If I press menu, back and nrst (pretty sure it's these three) at the same time my GDU 460 will restart. Holding down the menu button during the restart gets you into config mode.