Well Known Member
I?ve read that it?s convenient to get the full G3x database package with only the gtn650 having the nav database. It seems that to shoot an aporoach it has to be run from the gtn650. Does this database combo get it done or is more needed?
So on the G3X do you select external GPS and load the approaches from the GTN? Does it have the approaches setup this way?
Yes, load the approach on the GTN. G3X generally is always in external nav. You can load an approach chart on the G3X and you will get a position overlay once you are within the boundaries of the plate. You can fly with it in split screen, PFD and approach plate. I have my 307 AP directly above the GTN 650. I utilize them as an FMS. You program the 650 and fly the G3X.
Sort of on topic since I have dual G3X touches and a GTN 650.... don?t the ?OnePaks? cover everything?
Nav Data

I only by the Nav data for the my GTN625. This keeps me IFR legal and saves me 200 bucks a year. I don't need safe taxi or obstacles. I have them on my Ipad and other gps.
I have a 650 and dual G3X Touch. I purchase the Nav Data for the GTN for $299/yr and US G3X Touch Bundle for $149/yr. The G3X is honestly a nice to have if you don't want to use your iPad in flight. This allows me to use an updated approach plate (with overlay) in the G3X touch and be legal with the GTN driving the Navigation/approach. All the other "stuff" in the G3X bundle is very nice to have... Terrain, Obstacles, etc. But at a minimum to be legal you will need the 650 updated. Oh and to answer your question on the dual screens, you only need 1 subscription for both.
It may be cheaper purchasing the GTN nav data and the G3X data separately. The one pak is good if you have, in addition to the GTN and G3X, a Garmin handheld gps device or dual GTNs. Also, if you prefer Jep Charts (which you pay more for) over the NOAA.