
Well Known Member
Question for the G3X users...

Had Garmin send me two "new" units to replace mine under warranty. Flew yesterday, was IMC, and noticed that the PFD stopped responding to touch. Got on the ground, rebooted everything, noticed it was considerably slower to boot up than the MFD and once it did, sometimes it responded to touch, sometimes it didnt. Sometimes it was a delayed response.

Today, was out flying again, and my PFD rebooted itself in flight 7-10 times on a 30 minute flight.

Once I got on the ground, I pulled the PFD out and turned it on. There is a small fan on the back. Anyone know whether this is controlled by a thermistor, or is it on all the time? Mine wasn't on, and I'm wondering whether this could be the cause of my issues.



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Might try moving it over to the MFD position to see if behaves the same.

Thanks Walt - I can certainly give that a try. Prior to getting these "new" units, everything worked fine. Do you think the MFD/PFD position has anything to do with the fan working or not?

Appreciate the quick reply!
Not sure if the fan is thermostatically controlled or not, but voltage input/grounding issues can cause a variety of anomalies and reboots.
A few minutes to swap the units can probably eliminate that possibility.