
We tried 5 times today to calibrate the magnetometer in our G3X Touch (v6.0) with no luck:

Try 1: 98% (of minimum)
Try 2: 63%
Try 3: 67%
Try 4: 94%
Try 5: 67%

The magnetic interference test passes with flying colors.

We were *attempting* this on the taxiway in front of our row of hangars, hoping this is the issue, too close to the hangars.

I'm going to call Garmin in the morning before giving it another go but looking for experiences or feedback.

Just a thought, make sure the ADAHRS and GMU orientation is correct.

Thanks, Walt.

The ADAHRS is mounted on the back of the PFD, I selected "Tubes Forward, Connectors Down".

I didn't see a setting for GMU orientation, maybe that's it, but can't seem to find anything in the manual. Mine is mounted in the standard RV-14 wing location.

We tried 5 times today to calibrate the magnetometer in our G3X Touch (v6.0) with no luck:

Try 1: 98% (of minimum)
Try 2: 63%
Try 3: 67%
Try 4: 94%
Try 5: 67%

The magnetic interference test passes with flying colors.

We were *attempting* this on the taxiway in front of our row of hangars, hoping this is the issue, too close to the hangars.

I'm going to call Garmin in the morning before giving it another go but looking for experiences or feedback.


Hello Bill,

I wouldn't be concerned about not being able to calibrate the magnetometer on a taxiway in front of your hangar. I tried the same thing years ago and had no luck.

I took the plane to a clean compass rose at a nearby airport, and the calibration passed first try.

Many have found clean areas which are not on a compass rose, but they can be hard to find. Lots of metal objects below many ramps.

Additionally, if you have a GMU 11 that can be mounted in 4 different orientations, you need to select the correct orientation per page 35-23.

Additionally, if you have a GMU 11 that can be mounted in 4 different orientations, you need to select the correct orientation per page 35-23.

Thanks, Steve.

I totally missed that, I bet it's wrong. I don't remember in what orientation I mounted it (if it was an option, just followed the Vans manual) :eek: I'll check first thing in the morning.
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Garmin Experimental support

I have to put in my two cents and thank Steve and the Garmin team for their support. Every time I have asked a question by email, or on this site, I get an answer promptly, and 99.9% it is correct. Here it is on Sunday, and the op gets an answer. So Steve and team- thank you!!
Make your own rose

We had no compass rose so I found a wide paved area and used a handheld compass and marked paint spots with heading numbers to make my own rose, worked great.

One dot in the center and multiple dots with headings around the edges, need a large area though because turning the aircraft takes up quite a bit of real estate, it's slow taxi in a circle, not just turning to a new heading.

I had a bad GMU-22, replacement calibrated easily first time.

Thanks, SteinAir, for getting me the replacement so fast! Top notch service as always.