
Well Known Member
Just installed 9.22 and noticed EIS grabbed some extra screen space, which has forced my attitude display off center and reduced usable space that I really liked. Anyone else notice this or is it just me? I have an email in to g3xpert, they seemed surprised so maybe it's just an anomaly.



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9.22 also has generated some error with my G5 (generated a SFD FAULT), as well as somehow knocking my Bluetooth offline. Seems my GDL50 can no longer Bluetooth with the G3X and neither can my iPad. iPad can still connect with GDL50 though. Going to backload 9.14 to try and undo this train wreck, wish me luck!
9.22 also has generated some error with my G5 (generated a SFD FAULT), as well as somehow knocking my Bluetooth offline. Seems my GDL50 can no longer Bluetooth with the G3X and neither can my iPad. iPad can still connect with GDL50 though. Going to backload 9.14 to try and undo this train wreck, wish me luck!

The GDL's update via serial port, takes a long time, up to an hour maybe.
Check the data link page to see if the update completed.
9.22 also has generated some error with my G5 (generated a SFD FAULT), as well as somehow knocking my Bluetooth offline. Seems my GDL50 can no longer Bluetooth with the G3X and neither can my iPad. iPad can still connect with GDL50 though. Going to backload 9.14 to try and undo this train wreck, wish me luck!

Downgrading to V9.14 is the last thing I would do....

Has your G5 finished updating to V8.30???

G5 System Info.png

I have updated two systems and have not seen any issues.

Backdate to 9.14 complete, EIS returned to regular width and Bluetooth functionality has returned. G5 was on 8.30

Standing by to hear from Garmin what is going on, but for the mean time it's fixed.
Eugh I hope it doesn’t stay that wide!

Hot of the presses from G3xpert, I guess they have other opinions....

My email-
"Hello, I'm writing to see how to get my EIS display back to the previous width. The way it is now (9.22) has increased the EIS display without adding much capability and I have lost valuable real-estate for primary attitude and obstacle/terrain/aircraft avoidance."

G3xpert response-
"There is no way to adjust the width of the engine display without modifying the software.

I'm not sure I would call that valuable real estate but I will send engineering this information."
Here's a bigger picture of what Garmin did with the display. A bunch of wasted black space around the EIS display area and less space for PFD/MFD. might be good for some but definitely not a welcomed addition from this *previously* happy customer.

Also, there's a joke in there....


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I'm struggling to see what improved with that change, but I'm suspecting that the width better accommodates a six cylinder CHT/EGT, which does nothing for us four bangers.
I'm struggling to see what improved with that change, but I'm suspecting that the width better accommodates a six cylinder CHT/EGT, which does nothing for us four bangers.

So maybe make the extra wide (dare I say fat?) EIS display conditional on 6x CHT/EGT? Do we have the technology for that?
Configuration File

So maybe make the extra wide (dare I say fat?) EIS display conditional on 6x CHT/EGT? Do we have the technology for that?

Hey Jon,

Can you export a configuration file from your display and email it to us? The width of the EIS strip can expand/contract slightly based on the configuration of the parameters you have dedicated to the strip, and how you have them selected to display. We would like to take a look at your unique configuration and ensure we are making the best use of that space.

To export a configuration file, put an SD card in the PFD and boot the system into configuration mode. Select the "Config" tile. Press the MENU button and select the export option.


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I kind of like the old width, too. Garmin has been very active in developing the software and releasing updates though, so we can always cross our fingers and hope they make the width configurable.


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Hey Jon,

Can you export a configuration file from your display and email it to us?

Sent. FWIW I tried modifying a few of the parameters to text, back and forth to see if I could get it to shrink back to the more reasonable size. No joy.

9.14 works great, I can stay there until the width becomes a more definable feature.

Contact Information

Sent. FWIW I tried modifying a few of the parameters to text, back and forth to see if I could get it to shrink back to the more reasonable size. No joy.

9.14 works great, I can stay there until the width becomes a more definable feature.


Make sure to use [email protected].

If there are any EIS items set to display as Text Only on the EIS strip, the wide format is implemented.

