
Well Known Member
I have a dual G3X (non-touch) display in my 9A. I truly love my panel but, looking at some of the G3X touch advances, I was wondering if Garmin has considered developing a modified G3X to include some of the touch features in a non touch unit. I see several advantages in this concept: 1) the unit would fit in my existing panel 2) if the button configuration of the box were retained, one would not be making touch adjustments while in rough air 3) the unit would be able to interface with Garmin Pilot 4) other functions/advantages in the touch units would be available in a non-touch format.

If Garmin were to develop this product I could see a reasonable course of action would be to replace one of my units with this improved G3X and assumedly sell that unit to someone that was intending to have a two or three display system. I do understand my plan may not appeal to Garmin. I do, however, think the concept may revitalize G3X sales.

So here?s the survey part

Would non-touch G3X users be interested in this new product?

An aside question

Do G3X touch users find operation in rough air to be a problem?
Do G3X touch users find operation in rough air to be a problem?

Nope! It is a myth mostly perpetuated by those with no real world experience to back it up....the reality is that touch or knobs and buttons are more difficult in significant rough air.

The G3X Touch and the GTN series is designed with features to help in turbulence like also including knobs and buttons for frequent/tedious adjustments, places to brace your spare fingers to anchor your hand, large touch cells that are easy to get to etc.
Would non-touch G3X users be interested in this new product?

No. I might be willing to pay for a software upgrade for features that don't require a touch interface, but I have no desire to purchase new GDUs to replace my 370/375s any time the near future. I have a 2-screen G3X with a GTN 650 and I'm pretty happy with the functionality those provide.
Happieness is as happieness does.

No we have a single 10' G3X touch in an RV-8, and looked at the none tough older units for a long time thinking that two of them would fit in the 8 panel and be less cost in the long run. We finally found that the CPU and memory were so much better in the newer units that we where going with them. At the time we tried to get two of the 7" units to fit comfortably in the 8's panel and although we could make that happen it was just to much in a small space. We ended up finding that a single 10" unit would do every thing we wanted and then some, with just putting an I-pad or phone on a bracket over to the side of the panel. We then had more than enough room out to the right of the main screen to add 2 1/4" back-ups if we want them. As for as the knobs vs the touch debate, as has been said above, they are both on the new units and you can get comfortable doing it the way you like. Either is available at your finger tips, and my old eyes like the big screen in the air.
Hope this helps, but you may want to go to Sun-in-Fun and play with all the boxes you can get your hands on first, Yours R.E.A. III #80888
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I'd love to see an updated G3X non touch 370. The touch is so much faster and has many great features, but I personally prefer the profile of the older dual screen 370 setup I currently have.
If Garmin offered an updated G3X non touch I'd be first in line :D