
Well Known Member
Dear all,

I am currently in Phase 1 and do a lot of airwork.
What is quite bothering at the moment is that the stall warning remains on for about 15-20sec even after stall recovery.

I`ve installed the Vans supplied stall warning kit and wired it into a discrete input on the G3X.

Is there a timer in the G3X which says that the stallwarning shall remain on for a certain amount of time? I could not find something like this in the installation manual.

Or is my stall-vane too long? I left it as long as it was supplied..

Best Regards,
I doubt that there is a timer for the stall warner in the G3X, but I'm not an expert, however it would be easy enough to test on the ground by moving the vane with your finger.

A couple of other things to check with respect to the vane:

Is it moving freely and not binding, and is the spring in the micro switch functioning properly?

Is the trigger point for the vane correct, i.e. it is turning on 5-10 knots before the actual stall? Adjustment is by bending the vane up to trigger earlier, or down to trigger later.

Are the electrical connections all good in the wiring from the efis box to the vane?
I tested it on gnd and it has no timer. Also it is moving freely without any binding. And yes it comes 5-10knots before the stall but stays on until I reach about 90kts.. Thats why I thought maybe its to long. I have to test it more..
I don't know the reasoning for potentially shortening the blade on the stall switch. It actuates on "flow reversal" (for lack of better words) once the flow stagnation point moves below blade on the switch at higher angles of attack. Changing it's size would make it less sensitive or possibly make it inoperative. The reduced mass of the blade proper would probably make things worse as far as resetting goes.

Personally, I'd move the discrete to a temporary LED and watch it's operation when the stall switch is hand actuated and again when airborne. At least then you'll have any potential switch problem isolated.

Does the G3 allow for a tuned discrete? If so, possibly try reversing the signal to actuate on "not closed" status versus "open".

Let us know what you find.