
Well Known Member
Hi Matt, et al.

I'm in the final stages of "due diligence" on a panel upgrade for my RV-8, and had a few questions for those flying with one, and particularly the garmin people. ;) I apologize for all the questions, but I suspect there are others lurking who are curious as well. I especially apologize for any questions that are answered in the manuals, and I've tried to read through them to avoid that.

Is the XM antenna like the x96 in that in incorporates the receiver, or is it just an antenna like some other (i.e. Wxworx) boxes

I would assume that full integration with the sl30 including coupled ILS approaches and autopilot VOR Nav can be expected. Is this reasonable?

Same with ADS-B, when that is sorted out somewhat.

At the show, the garmin reps were saying that a lot of people had asked for remote transponder control, that they understood this was being expected in flight decks, and they were looking at it. I'm pleased to hear this responsiveness to market/customer. Is it likely that 3rd party remote transponders (e.g. the Dynon) would be supported?)

Other than a handful sensors like fuel flow, hall effect amp meters, fuel level, etc. there doesn't seem to be any provision to calibrate any of the airdata sensors or others like CHT, etc. What do you do in the event that you fail a transponder/altimeter cert or have an out of calibration engine sensor?

Is there a "night mode" for the map and or PFD screens?

I think all of the experimental EFISs I have seen have a "g" meter on the PFD screen. The best was the Blue Mountain which would get larger and change color if you exceeded 4 g. Any chance a g meter will show up in a future software release?

AOA is present on all the other experimental EFISs now. I'm a little conflicted about this since I like a separate (redundant) AOA to back up airspeed but I think this would be useful as well

Thanks in advance
Well, keeping in mind I am just a lowly engineer, I'll answer what I can...

The XM antenna (GA57X or GA26XM) is just an antenna, not an integrated receiver/antenna. The XM receiver is inside the GDU 375.

You can configure any of the data fields along the top to show a G-meter.

There is a night mode for the map and synthetic vision.

I'd say you can expect that all the various boxes a manufacturer produces will play well with each other, except where limited by TSO or other regulatory requirements.

There is not a provision to calibrate things like temperature or pressure, since in general the sensors used with this system tend to either work or not.

As for everything else, I better direct you to a marketing person! :) PM me your contact info and I will see if I can get someone in touch with you.

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