
Well Known Member
For the Garmin Guru,
I have just installed a Garmin GDL39R in my RV8, equipped with a GTX330ES, GTN650 and dual G3X's (non touch). Everything seems to be working well, traffic and weather. The only issue is the traffic displayed on the G3X does not display the traffic's N number. The GDL39R is also talking to an IPad mini and it does display the same traffic along with the N number on the mini, using either Foreflight or Garmin Pilot.. Obviously, the GDL is receiving correct info but the G3X does not display all of it??
Is this something I have missed in the config/setup?
Almost the same setup except G3X touch. iPad shows N number and "target trend", but not on the G3X. I'm hopeful that the next software will mirror the iPad Garmin Pilot more.
I get N numbers on the G3X sometimes but usually not. I've never cross referenced it with and iPad to see if it's getting more info but something I'll take a note of now.
I had a similar situation with my g3x touch screens.
Solution was to go to traffic page, then hit menu.
On that screen, there was an option to select "show identifier" ( usually the planes n number).

Tom h

As Tom correctly indicated, just configure what you want to see from the traffic page. These selections also apply to how traffic is displayed on the map and charts pages.

It is perfectly normal to see a mixture of aircraft with identifiers (Flight ID) and aircraft without Flight ID since TIS-B aircraft provided over the ground uplink are Mode C equipped aircraft that do not provide Flight ID.

Aircraft received air-to-air by the dual frequency GDL 39R receiver are either Mode S 1090ES or ADS-B Out on either 978 Mhz or 1090 Mhz, all of which provide a Flight ID that may be displayed with their traffic target symbol.

Never seen on maps

I have flight ID turned on and I'm using non touch G3X screens. I have only seen flight Ids on the Traffic page never on the moving map.
I have flight ID turned on and I'm using non touch G3X screens. I have only seen flight Ids on the Traffic page never on the moving map.

Hello Bobby,

A couple of things to check.

We know you have a GDL39, a GTX 330ES transponder, and a GPS 20A installed with your G3X system, so you actually have two traffic receivers. You receive TIS-A traffic from your GTX330ES and ADS-B traffic/weather from your GDL39.

As you probably know from the pilot guide and our past postings, if both of your traffic receivers are enabled, the G3X system will prioritize them and use one or the other depending on which might be providing the best traffic information.

G3X Traffic Priority
1. GDL39/39R ADS-B traffic system receiving both air-to-air and TIS-B
2. GTX23ES/GTX330ES TIS-A traffic system receiving TIS-A
3. GDL39/39R ADS-B traffic system receiving only air-to-air

You will note that full ADS-B traffic with TIS-B ground uplinks takes priority over GTX330ES TIS-A traffic, but for those probably rare times when you are receiving TIS-A traffic and not TIS-B traffic, the TIS-A traffic takes priority and this traffic does not include Flight ID.

Many of us disable TIS-A traffic on the Mode S transponder (I did this in 2012) because ADS-B traffic is almost always better and we don't like ever seeing the system switch to TIS-A traffic. You might do the same (via the transponder configuration on the GTX330ES) to keep things simple.

Secondly, and probably more importantly, you might want to check your Traffic settings for the Map page. From the MFD map page select Menu, Set Up Map, and then select the Traffic Map Setup page.

From this page you may separately control the map range dependent declutter settings for the traffic symbol and traffic label (Flight ID). The default setting is Auto which will remove the traffic symbol and label at MFD map range settings of 12 nm and above. I personally find this Auto decluttering too aggressive, and change mine from Auto to a fixed 30 nm on both to keep the traffic symbol and label visible on the map even when zooming out quite a bit.

Another tip. The two traffic symbol icons on the upper right of the map which show if you are receiving TIS-B ground uplink services and air-to-air traffic also declutter (are removed) when the traffic indications are removed from the map, so this is a quick and easy way to tell if your map is zoomed out so far that traffic has been removed to decrease map clutter.

Thanks for tips!

Steve, thanks for those tips!
I'll make those changes next time I'm at the hanger.