
Active Member
Gooday All,
I have installed a snap action micro switch to a custom bracket attached to my MATCO parking brake. I was wondering if anyone knew what what the pin out would be from the switch to whichever Garmin LRU pin to display a "parking brake" msg on the GDU460/PFD when the switch is depressed?

I have a similar switch for the canopy latch, however that one required a custom file from vans be uploaded to the EFIS.

Please see the referenced drawing and let me know if this is possible:

Thanks much
Any unused discrete would be fine. Just label it as Parking Brake.

I assume that the file for the canopy setup is to customize the alert to be active only over 1700 RPM.

This would be a handy feature to have configurable in the G3X in general.

Without hijacking this thread… Is there any other way of suppressing my door alerts for the RV10 below a certain RPM? I’ve set them all up as discretes with relays etc so they fail safe but I can’t see this as a discrete config option without using the specific “door open” config.

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Any of the discretes on GEA24 will work. Label anything you want. Not sure it's possible to make them RPM sensitive. Would love to hear if possible. I really have not found that needed since on the ground taxiing messages I can ignore. Before departure they need to be out. Not sure a custom file is needed. I did not have one.