Mile High Relic

Well Known Member
I'm going back and forth on whether to go with a GNC 355 GPS/COM ($6595) or a GPS 175 + GTR 20 combo ($4595 + $995).

I currently have a GX60, but you can't get databases for it anymore. If I wasn't planning a complete redo, the GNC 355 would be the easier replacement for the GX60. Since I'm almost ready to order a new panel, a G3X (or two) and a bunch of associated LRUs though, I'm leaning towards the GPS 175 plus remote comm, which is $1000 less than the GNC 355. I have a KX155 I'm planning to keep. I'm aware the KX155 and G3X don't work together.

I was initially unsure I'd like the remote radios, but having seen both Garmin and Dynon remote comms in action, I sort of like the idea now.

Anybody have any pointers to get me leaning further one way or the other? Is my logic faulty?

I couldn't decide if this belonged in GPS, COMM, or Glass Cockpit, so if the mods need it moved...
Remember what the teacher said..........
The panel installed radios can still be controlled in the you get the best of both worlds.
Glad to see you are still too.
Thanks Bob, and I do remember. I'll still have the KX155 if I need to use some knobs. There is room in the stack for something like the GTR 200 or an audio panel, but not both. I'll just have to pick which one goes remote.

Either remote option will allow use of the GPS 175 (GPS only) instead of the GNC 355 (GPS/COMM).

I'll need to pay more attention during the next few flights to see how often I use either the audio panel or Comm.

I'd love others opinions on which is more natural to control via the G3X.
If it factors in for you the out of warranty GNC 355 repair cost is $1575 and the GPS 175 is $1030. I'm betting that by far the most likely thing to break on any avionics unit is the knobs. With the comm being separate on the GPS 175 and almost exclusively touch screen I'm betting they will break less than a 355. Just a fun thought. I was thinking about this the other day and on my next build will likely go 175 and separate comm.

P.S. GTR-20 repair cost is $320. Or you could go panel mounted comm with GTR-200.
another consideration

If you might want bluetooth capability, you must use the panel mounted GTR200B because that circuitry is contained in its bezel, thus ruling out the remote mounted GTR20.

Also on the fence,
Remote Audio Panel Information

The GMA 245R is very well integrated with the G3X Touch system via CAN, and works very well as a remote unit. You can change selected COM's by simply touching the audio panel field on the databar at the top of the screen.

By touching the Audio button on the databar, the full set of audio panel options are displayed which give you a lot of control over the various COM and NAV radios, as well as the intercom settings and music inputs if present.

If the GMA 245R loses power or otherwise fails, the GMA 245R has a failsafe mechanism which connects the headset and microphone to the COM1 transceiver.


Please let us know if you have any further questions.


If it factors in for you the out of warranty GNC 355 repair cost is $1575 and the GPS 175 is $1030. I'm betting that by far the most likely thing to break on any avionics unit is the knobs. With the comm being separate on the GPS 175 and almost exclusively touch screen I'm betting they will break less than a 355. Just a fun thought. I was thinking about this the other day and on my next build will likely go 175 and separate comm.

P.S. GTR-20 repair cost is $320. Or you could go panel mounted comm with GTR-200.

Yep. After following that now deleted thread from a few days ago, and finding that the flat rate repair cost on the 355 was $1575, I revisited my thinking on on a combined GPS/COM versus separate. The higher repair cost in addition to costing $1000 more than two separate boxes has me leaning towards the 175.

If you might want bluetooth capability, you must use the panel mounted GTR200B because that circuitry is contained in its bezel, thus ruling out the remote mounted GTR20.

Also on the fence,

I was thinking I'd rely on the GMA 245R for bluetooth. Maybe Justin can let us know if there are differences in how the GMA 245R and GTR 200B handle bluetooth.
The GMA 245R is very well integrated with the G3X Touch system via CAN, and works very well as a remote unit. You can change selected COM's by simply touching the audio panel field on the databar at the top of the screen.

By touching the Audio button on the databar, the full set of audio panel options are displayed which give you a lot of control over the various COM and NAV radios, as well as the intercom settings and music inputs if present.

If the GMA 245R loses power or otherwise fails, the GMA 245R has a failsafe mechanism which connects the headset and microphone to the COM1 transceiver.

Please let us know if you have any further questions.



In a single screen G3X panel, what happens to the remote audio panel if the G3X fails? I assume you are stuck on what ever radio (i.e. COM1) was set before failure. I'm still on the fence with the 2nd G3X display, and the answer might tilt me towards one.
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