G3X, no Audio Alerts!

After reading several posts on folks complaining on the constant Audio Alerts: Pull Up, Pull Up... or Terrain, Terrain... etc. I realized I do not get any Audio Alerts!

I'm in the testing phase for my RV-12iS and just realized I never get any alerts. The Comms work, XMRadio works, the Stall horn audio works (have not configured the AOA yet) but no other Audio alert is present.
I do see in the G3X display the Terrain and other Alerts, but no Audio.

Went to the Configuration screen, all set correctly, change volume, output Mono, Stereo, Both, same, no Audio Alerts.
The "Test Alerts" buttons on several of the settings appears to be doing something but NO audio.

Any suggestions?

PS: Have latest Garmin Firmware installed
Check the instructions on the GTR-200 radio.... there is a Aux volume 1 and Aux volume 2 input line controlled by one of the knobs, that you push in or pull out to change, that you need to adjust the input volume on to get warnings from the G3x. i believe it works the same on the Dynon Skyview and HD models, too.

There's a clue in here, somewhere, I think, on how to do it. https://vansairforce.com/community/showthread.php?t=187236&highlight=Audio+alert

See post #3 by Mich757
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With the help from the folks at Stein Air (makers of the RV-12iS wiring harness) we detected that a pin was miss inserted at the GTR-200 (radio) end, after a painful process of taking all apart, pulling the pin and reinserting it in the correct spot, I'm getting all the Audio Alerts!!!