
Well Known Member
Hey All,

I am a little bit beside myself as I write this. I just updated my G3X (legacy screens) and GTN650 today with the new firmware and requisite databases. Upon doing so I lost the magenta lubber line on my MFD. It appears on the 650 and all other data is imported to the MFD... except for the magenta line!

I did some reboots and checked all that I could check on my own and then was forced to call support. Mike was great... unfortunately the news wasn't.

It seems that this may be a known issue. There are some workarounds like going back to a previous firmware version or resetting some doobly-doos and losing some other functionalities. I think that I will just wait it out and get the new update when it becomes available. Hopefully it will only be a week or two.

My reason for posting this is mostly so that others will know. I would also like to know the progress of the update and when it is available for download.

Anyone else discover this issue?

:confused: CJ
noticed the same thing (G3X and GTN 650). Talked with Garmin and got the same information you did. I will also wait for the update to the G3X to come out. The flight plan page on the G3X also clears out (a la the magenta line) about 3-5 seconds after loading a flight plan on the GTN. Approach plates still work, showing the aircraft relative position, and as you mentioned, the GTN is fine. I also considered reverting the G3X to internal GPS for the enroute portion, but it's not that important with the CDI and the GTN working, just different.

Have the same issue. GTN 625 and G3X Touch. I'm glad I'm not the only one.

Hello Brian,

You should not be seeing any compatibility problems with using GTN V6.41 with G3X Touch V5.60.

Are you using V5.60?
