
Active Member
I've lately experienced problems with my MFD screen (GDU370). The map has freezed several times lately. It happens when I zoom in or out and it goes black with the message "DRAWING...". It usually stays this way for 10-20 min and then comes back. Zoom in or out again and it freezes again.

I have been flying with G3X since 2013 with no problems before. This problem first occurred last year, once, so I just thought it was a one time glitch. Now lately its acting up every flight.
I have latest software installed (10.20), updated databases and erased internal trip log files and bread crumb files (if it's memory related). I have contacted G3Xpert for support a week ago but I guess they are busy at KOSH. While I'm patiently waiting for their support I thought I would check in here and see if any one else have had similar problem?


I've lately experienced problems with my MFD screen (GDU370). The map has freezed several times lately. It happens when I zoom in or out and it goes black with the message "DRAWING...". It usually stays this way for 10-20 min and then comes back. Zoom in or out again and it freezes again.

I have been flying with G3X since 2013 with no problems before. This problem first occurred last year, once, so I just thought it was a one time glitch. Now lately its acting up every flight.
I have latest software installed (10.20), updated databases and erased internal trip log files and bread crumb files (if it's memory related). I have contacted G3Xpert for support a week ago but I guess they are busy at KOSH. While I'm patiently waiting for their support I thought I would check in here and see if any one else have had similar problem?



Hello Fredrik,

Sorry for the delay in answering your email. Yes, many of us have been busy with Oshkosh (great show so far!), but that is not an excuse for our customer support to suffer.

We fly frequently with a dual GDU 37X system, the most recent being a nearly two hour flight to execute the flight test card we use to collect high speed raw data for ADAHRS performance analysis which was done for the new GPS 20A and GSU 25B.

We were using the latest V10.20 software on this flight and didn't see this issue, but we had another report of slower map performance and are investigating trying to reproduce.

As you know from our email response this morning, we are also asking you to try a couple of things.

Dear Fredrik

These happens to me when I make a Direct To in the GTN650 to a user waypoint in the GTN. Is theso your problem?
Thanks for the replies.

I will try suggested actions tomorrow. I do have a GTN 650 and I do use direct to frequently. Can't really say if that is related but I will have that in mind tomorrow.

Dear Fredrik

These happens to me when I make a Direct To in the GTN650 to a user waypoint in the GTN. Is theso your problem?

Hello Hernan,

Some good news.

We found that if you have a User defined waypoint in a GTN flight plan, and have a User defined waypoint in the G3X with the same name, it causes significant overhead for the system which results in the delays you are seeing.

Most customers don't use User defined waypoints in GTN flight plans, so it has been rare to see this, but we understand why this is common for your operations.

We fixed this and you should be able to do this with no problems when we release our next G3X software update (V10.30) in the next few weeks.

Did the Garmin software team really just go from unable to reproduce a bug to having it fixed in 3.5 hours?

If so, that's awesome.

The solution to this problem was to NOT have user waypoints, with same name, in both G3X and GTN650. I have not been able to reproduce the problem after I deleted waypoints in G3X.

Thanks for all the help!
