
Well Known Member
Anyone have trouble downloading the G3X installation manual to their iPad?
It downloads about 90% and then gives an error message and reloads the page only to repeat the error. I thought it was a temporary issue, but it has been months now. I can download other pdfs including other Garmin documents...:confused:
Thanks, Mike. I don't really need at this point, as you know. I've been trying to download it for a while to begin thinking about wire runs, but always get the error message. Haven't tried for some time until I saw Walt's post about the latest revision. I tried the latest version, but still get the same error. May be something with my iPad. Weird - I can download all the other docs on their site just not the install manual.
Worked for me. I also have a printed color copy that you are welcome to use.

Works for me as well on an iPad Air2, latest OS release

I usually find the link in Safari, then open in "Good Reader" which is an aftermarket app that I use for PDF files.
Works for me as well on an iPad Air2, latest OS release

I usually find the link in Safari, then open in "Good Reader" which is an aftermarket app that I use for PDF files.

Thanks, James! I've used GoodReader for years but never new you could open the URL from within the program:eek:. This did the trick!
I downloaded it a couple of tims onto my iPad (different versions). I use iBooks to view it.