Tango Mike

Well Known Member
RV-7 with two G3X screens and a totally Garmin IFR stack.

Here we go again. I'm resurrecting this issue in a new thread to announce that I own an airplane that's kind of like a boat, because sitting in the cockpit I'm staring at the equivalent of two boat anchors.

I've tried everything suggested by Garmin, been told they are aware of the problem trying to update databases with a Mac, an alternate update method is in the works, and once again I cannot get the Flitecharts database to download successfully.

Even waiting overnight, the next morning the spinning wheel of death greets me, and when I leave the page because that's the only thing I can do, sure enough, that one database update is not installed.

And I'm supposed to pay Garmin for a yearly subscription for out-of-date flight charts?

I think not.


Do you suspect it's an issue of incompatibility with the Mac, the operating system or with the browser? Just wondering what you've tried. Would it be worthwhile to install windows in Boot Camp for $100 or so and run everything off of that?
Sorry if I'm rehashing what you've already been told but I haven't seen the previous post.
Do you suspect it's an issue of incompatibility with the Mac, the operating system or with the browser? Just wondering what you've tried. Would it be worthwhile to install windows in Boot Camp for $100 or so and run everything off of that?
Sorry if I'm rehashing what you've already been told but I haven't seen the previous post.

I've had this problem both with an earlier version of OS X and the most current one, two different browsers, and spent a good deal of time with tech support running through diagnostics checking the computer, Internet connection, etc.

Garmin says they're aware of the problem, and the last time we talked, I was told that the method for updating the databases for both Windows and Mac was being updated, but the Windows effort would be first. The fact that an alternate method for updating databases is provided for Windows indicates that the basic method can have issues for that operating system as well.

Another forum member suggested purchasing a Windows machine just for this, but both that and installing boot camp to solve a problem Garmin acknowledges and hasn't done anything about is aggravating, to say the least.

I'm fully aware that others might consider me stubborn, but there's a principle involved. I spent a lot of hard-earned money to install what is supposed to be the best. I saw nothing in the sales literature about a caution that if I use a Mac, I might not be able to reliably update the databases. Then after the fact the problem shows up, Garmin has no solution, and I'm supposed to spend more to solve it on my own?

This has been going on since mid-2013. None of the experts can explain why all the databases update smooth as glass until Flitecharts. It's obviously the largest single database, and the individual parts of the update take longer than the others, but something happens when the process enters the "Preparing" stage that prevents it from completing successfully.

I've had update intermittently occur without a hitch. I've had the failure occur the first time I tried and not the second. I've left it overnight and found it updated in the morning. I thought this was the answer, but the latest update failed even after leaving it for hours.

On once occasion I had to leave the page before the update was complete, but when I went to check the status, Flitecharts showed that it had been updated. Garmin told me that could happen and didn't mean that the SD card had the revision on it. But when I updated the screens, the Flitecharts did indicate currency.

All of this indicates to me that Garmin isn't very interested in solving a problem. I've done everything they've suggested without success. And frankly, it gives the impression that as a Mac user I'm treated as a 2nd-class customer.

End of rant.
Garmin says they're aware of the problem, and the last time we talked, I was told that the method for updating the databases for both Windows and Mac was being updated, but the Windows effort would be first. The fact that an alternate method for updating databases is provided for Windows indicates that the basic method can have issues for that operating system as well.

This does not address your issue but I can tell you the original version of updating worked fine on multiple Windows PC's and laptops and OS's.
The new version works fine as well on the same. I imagine the new version was written to keep up with Microsoft's ever changing OS models.
An alternate experience

I have a dual screen original G3X installation in my 8. I have always used an Apple computer to update the databases and system software without problems.

On my 2008 MacBook I had installed Parallels and ran Microsoft XP SP3 since I had other aviation related software not written for the Mac. Updates with this arrangement were the same as on any Windows machine.

Now that I have an iMac running OS X 10.11.5 and no longer use any non Apple software I use the Mac au naturel with similar results. Updating Flight Charts does take a few minutes but it always did. Updating a single SD card is as fast with one system as the other. The latest Windows agent did allow for faster updating of multiple SD cards as only a single download was required. This saved a few minutes when I choose to use two cards.
IDK, I just updated my navigation data using my Macbook Pro running El Capitan 10.11.5 and Safari 9.1.1. Garmin Communicator version No problems, but your Garmin Communicator is an earlier version. Is it just Flite Charts that has the issue?
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My MacBook Pro is brand new with upgrades in RAM and processor speed, the update screen indicates I have the latest version of the Communicator, I get speedy, successful downloads of all the databases up to Flitecharts, and then it takes a while to get to the last step with the message about "preparing . . . this may take a few minutes . . ." and it hangs up as long as overnight.

From that point, when leaving the page I've found that the Flitcharts did update when I got back to the databases page, and also that it didn't. Like now, when it hasn't updated successfully in multiple tries.

At one point I thought it might be a problem with the browser. I switched from Firefox to Safari, and although it still took hours, when I checked the status it had updated successfully.

I thought I'd discovered the problem and used Safari the next time and it failed again.

At this point, I'm stranded with no solution in sight.
My MacBook Pro is brand new with upgrades in RAM and processor speed, the update screen indicates I have the latest version of the Communicator,

The screenshot in your original post shows Garmin Communicator version - the version on my machine is

I'm curious if you migrated data from your old Mac, or installed everything fresh...
The screenshot in your original post shows Garmin Communicator version - the version on my machine is

I'm curious if you migrated data from your old Mac, or installed everything fresh...

Uh . . . Good catch. I'll check that now. I migrated the data, and if I had any indication that corruption or other problem with the previous Mac had anything to do with it, I might have done it differently.

To the MAC guys that have not had any problems with G3X updates, what browser are you using?


Tango Mike,

If SkyFlyer is successful using El Capitan (10.11) with the latest version of Safari, perhaps try using this combo... ?


That's exactly what I'm doing. My operating system is the latest El Capitan, it came with Safari 9.1.1, and I've confirmed that there are no later versions.
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The OP has been dealing with the persistent problem of not being able to reliably update Flitecharts for the G3X for about three years. Assuming that no solution is forthcoming from Garmin, and the only way to regain full functionality is to solve it myself and at my expense, I've been looking at options.

None of the Windows-on-a-Mac solutions appear acceptable. Boot Camp is free, but Parallels and VMware Fusion aren't and I still have to buy Windows. And from what I've read, every solution has pros and cons that affect the utility of the method.

But if I buy a relatively inexpensive Windows machine (a suggestion I hastily rejected earlier in this thread), a browser and Garmin Communicator are all I need.

Searching for a PC tablet or hybrid tumbled my gyros, especially with all the choices and when reading the reviews, but I found one priced far closer to the bottom of the range than the top, and it had a preponderance of positive reviews. Negative comments appeared directed at uses I have no interest in.

Another factor nudging me toward this solution has to do with a second specific use for the Windows computer. My wife is a health services provider dealing with all the layers of requirements for submitting claims, and, of course, the system used to file electronically favors . . . Windows, of course.

I've ordered it from Amazon and hope to experience a trouble-free update before the end of the week. I'll post the results for any G3X/Mac users who might be interested.

I had to give up

After about three years of dealing with unreliable updating of FliteCharts with a Mac for my G3X system and receiving no solution from Garmin, I purchased a tablet running Windows 10.

I don't know much of anything about PCs, so I can't vouch for the quality or reliability, but it cost $220 on Amazon.

I updated FliteCharts (the only outdated database at the moment) in about 15 minutes. I can rationalize the decision to use this solution with the fact that I now have updated FliteCharts, and with each update the average cost will decease.

Waving the white flag here . . .

Does anyone know if an ipad (with a lightning to USB adapter) can be used for G3X updates? Does iOS support this function or is this function only supported by the full Mac OS?


I used to download the Garmin databases using Chrome on the Mac, but Chrome stopped supporting the protocols used by Garmin Communicator for security reasons. So I've been using Safari for the past year or so with no problems whatsoever. I have a G3X loaded with all the databases in my 8.

OP, have you tried the manual download option offered on the Garmin website?
I did not read the entire thread, so if anyone mentioned this ignore my post

I use the alternate method of download. I download the file to the HDD and save the password for the file. I then insert the card into the pc and run the .exe. I can program 3 SD cards in a row much quicker than using the standard online method.

I Called the G3X team at Garmin and was informed that iOS is not currently supported... :(



I just saw the links that seemed to indicate you could do it. I should have known better, because that's par for the course with Garmin and is exactly why I bailed on using my Mac for updates and bought the hybrid PC.

[ed. The updates work perfectly on my beat up MacBook running Communicator. Never had a problem with it (I admit I do check for app updates before downloading db's). I would guess there has to be hundreds if not thousands of Mac to G3X data downloads each month. dr]
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IDK, I just updated my navigation data using my Macbook Pro running El Capitan 10.11.5 and Safari 9.1.1. Garmin Communicator version No problems, but your Garmin Communicator is an earlier version. Is it just Flite Charts that has the issue?


FYI (and all who use Mac to do G3X updates)... This morning I updated the software on my 20" mid 2007 iMac (2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo processor, 4GB memory) with the versions of Mac OS, Safari, and the Garmin Communicator noted in the post above. I then was successful in updating my 2 GB SD card with both Nav Data and Flight Charts in less than 15 minutes with no problems... :)
