
Well Known Member
Hi I sent an email to G3xpert but I'm still waiting a reply.

Meantime if anyone here can help with my questions it would be appreciated

I'm setting up my system for my RV-10. In the UK we have to have two different EFIS units, so I have a G3x touch plus a Dynon D100 with HS34.

GAD 29
GSA 28 servos for pitch and roll (but no GMC305)
GMA340 audio
Gtx 330 transponder (not ES) I have used a separate altitude encoder so I have certified altitude readout on the transponder.
TIS doesn't work in Europe so planning on a powerflarm Core which should output traffic via TIS on RS232.
and GNC255 nav/com as backup.

So far I have wired the G3x system as per the manual
- figure's
20-1.3 power connections
20-2.2 GNC 255 RS 232
20-2.4 transponder interconnect (no ARINC connections)
20-2.6 GNS 430W interconnect


1) On figure 20-1.5 it has a note about the RS-232 optional backup from the GSU 25 to GDU 460 and in the notes says to contact Garmin. I'm guessing this might be a good idea as if the CAN bus goes down then GSU 25 info is still available.

2) on 20-2.2 it shows RS232 interconnect for the GNC 255 but do you need ARINC interconnects to the GAD29 as well, to get VOR/ILS information?

3) with the 430 connected as per 20-2.6 will the G3x transfer flight plans using the the connect feature. ie flight planning via my iPad and the wireless to the G3x?

4) can the GTX330 be controlled by the G3x? ie changing squawk code etc.

5) I have 2 ARINC inputs on the Dynon HS34 and have connected these to the 430w 1 from the GPS and the other from the VOR/ILS. Do you know if it would make any difference having the GPS info coming via RS232 as then I could use the second ARINC connection for the GNC255?

6) if I have the TIS RS232 input going to the G3x will that info be shared with the 430, is there any benefit in connecting the 430 as well?

7) I was going to put the GSU25 on the back of the 460 but was reading on the vansairforce site that you don't recommend it. Where it's mounted seems rather stiff as it's at the top of the panel and has the main brace above it. I could possibly put another rib/ brace at the bottom. Unless you think it's really a bad idea?

Many thanks

Hello Peter,

Please see answers below to your questions and let us know if you have additional questions.

1) On figure 20-1.5 it has a note about the RS-232 optional backup from the GSU 25 to GDU 460 and in the notes says to contact Garmin. I'm guessing this might be a good idea as if the CAN bus goes down then GSU 25 info is still available.

Yes it is a very good idea to connect the RS-232 backup bus from GSU25 #1 to connector P4601 on the GDU 460 PFD. You may use any RS-232 port, but the RS-232 port on this connector is a dedicated RS-232 port #6 that doesn't even require configuration. It is always programmed to be the backup bus for the GSU25 so you always have redundant data paths to the PFD for the primary flight instruments.

2) on 20-2.2 it shows RS232 interconnect for the GNC 255 but do you need ARINC interconnects to the GAD29 as well, to get VOR/ILS information?

An A429 interface is not required. As shown in this drawing, a single RS-232 interface is all that is required to receive all of the NAV information from the GNC 255.

3) with the 430 connected as per 20-2.6 will the G3x transfer flight plans using the the connect feature. ie flight planning via my iPad and the wireless to the G3x?

An additional RS-232 interface is required from the PFD to the GNS/GPS/GTN to accomplish the flight plan transfer. This will be included in an updated installation manual we are preparing, but I will email a preliminary copy to you.

4) can the GTX330 be controlled by the G3x? ie changing squawk code etc.

Yes, when connected to the GSU25 per the installation manual.

5) I have 2 ARINC inputs on the Dynon HS34 and have connected these to the 430w 1 from the GPS and the other from the VOR/ILS. Do you know if it would make any difference having the GPS info coming via RS232 as then I could use the second ARINC connection for the GNC255?

Sorry, but we don't know if this device would benefit from separate GPS data being provided over RS-232. As mentioned in 2 above, you do not need an A429 interface for the GNC255. Even if you did, an A429 output is point to multi-point, so you may connect multiple devices to an A429 output.

6) if I have the TIS RS232 input going to the G3x will that info be shared with the 430, is there any benefit in connecting the 430 as well?

TIS-A data provided to the G3X system is not shared with the 430, but you may use A429 Out 2 from the GTX330 to provide TIS-A data to the 430W per the drawing on page 20-10.

7) I was going to put the GSU25 on the back of the 460 but was reading on the vansairforce site that you don't recommend it. Where it's mounted seems rather stiff as it's at the top of the panel and has the main brace above it. I could possibly put another rib/ brace at the bottom. Unless you think it's really a bad idea?

We don't recommend it as a first choice.
