
Well Known Member
Hi All,

I am getting ready for the initial setup of my G3X (non-touch) and want to know where everyone is getting their v-speeds and max/min ranges for oil temp ect. ? I was planning on using the old gauges as a reference but I would assume there is a better and more accurate way.

I have a RV6A with an IO-360 (fixed pitch).

I'm not sure if what I did was correct but I setup my V Speeds based on my old gauges as a reference point. Then I went out with a chart with all my speeds and flew them taking notes. If any were different, I changed them after landing. For the most part you want to start with your stall speeds. If they are the same then it's likely that they will be the same. For example, there is no way to know if Flap range is correct or not if you don't have a reference point and stall speed can be a good reference point.

The Engine monitoring ranges needs to come from your engine manufacturers recommended operating ranges.