
I just fired up a dual display G3X system that I put in place of a Blue mountain. For some reason it refuses to recognize a PFD in the system. I have been over and over the C.A.N. hook up and the config modules and everything is as it should be according to the install manual. Config module on the PFD (GDU-370) and on the GSU-73, CAN termination jumper on the PFD and GSU-73. Whenever I power the system up, it sees both GDUs as MFDs, and gives me a network error saying I have duplicate GDUs on the network. I have swapped the config modules between the PFD and the GSU-73 just to see what would happen. Nothing changed at all. I know the config module for the GSU-73 works because if it isn't there the system doesn't see it. I swapped the connectors on the PFD and MFD (GDU-375). Nothing changed. I have ohmed the config module wiring on the PFD and it's good. I have checked and rechecked the CAN wiring at least half a dozen times. I disconnected the config module from the PFD, again just to see if anything changed. Nothing changed. No matter what I have done, the system tells me I have two MFDs on the same network and no PFD. It seems like the PFD just doesn't see the config module. What am I missing here?
The G3X system knows whether any GDU screen that is installed in the system is a PFD or MFD by configuration jumpers in the connector of the GDU. By jumpering the appropriate pins to a signal ground pin we tell the GDU to be a PFD or MFD screen. To tell the screen to be a PFD a jumper is connected between pin 10 and 27 (signal ground). You should check for this jumper in the connector being used as the PFD. With all the programming pins open the GDU is being told to function as a MFD. This is how we tell the screen which identity to function as. The configuration module does not hold this informaiton.
Boy, do I feel dumb. I saw that in the schematic when I first started this project and told myself to remember those. Of course I didn't listen to myself and they aren't in there. Excuse me while I go kick myself very hard and install the necessary jumpers. Thanks a million.
Don't kick too hard

Its easy to overlook something when in the heat of the battle. But thanks, it could help someone else down the road.
Boy, do I feel dumb. I saw that in the schematic when I first started this project and told myself to remember those. Of course I didn't listen to myself and they aren't in there. Excuse me while I go kick myself very hard and install the necessary jumpers. Thanks a million.

It's always a great day when you make a mistake that is that easy to fix.
I'm getting ready to build our G3X harnesses - we'll see what pins I miss....everyone misses something!
